Speaking to CBS, the BBC’s US partner, on Sunday, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said that the online rhetoric has been “extraordinarily alarming”.
“It speaks of what is really bubbling here in this country,” he said. “And unfortunately we see that manifested in violence, the domestic violent extremism that exists.”
Did he care about the domestic violent extremism before it started to affect the wealthy? What about the domestic terrorists who go after the queer community, POC communities, women, doctors providing reproductive healthcare…the list goes on.
Violent extremism isn’t new here. It’s just that this one affects people with power.
Yeah, the rules of society say they won and they think all the losers beneath them just have to accept it. The social order and status quo are great for them. That something would violate it is extremely disturbing to them and provokes an emotional response.
I think that’s why they seem to be so clumsily overreacting to the murder. Maybe it’s working in segments of the population I don’t see, but everyone in my social network is either outright happy it happened or at least get why it happened. Some will have perfunctory “murder is wrong” statements, but the thrust is about what a corrupt and evil business health insurance is. That’s all the way up to the boomers and crosses political boundaries.
Things like the perp walk, excessive charges, and corporate comedy pretending everyone just thinks Mangione is a bad guy just highlights the us vs. them of class war rather than trying to somehow quell or redirect the bubbling unrest. I think they’re doing this because their peers and masters are emotionally demanding a visible and recognizable show of power and obedience. If they knew what was good for them they’d be triple-timing it to make some token effort to reform the system, but even a token effort in response to the killing of a rich person would infuriate them, so clumsy performances it is.
When my usually “civil” boomer dad said he gets why he did it and wasn’t outright condemning him, I knew the ruling class wasn’t in control of the narrative as per usual this time.
My 75 year old Canadian aunt laughed when I showed her this
Everyone hates these people except the people who want to be these people.
I’m actually rather impressed that so many people get what’s actually happening here. I don’t know if it’ll ultimately amount to anything, but it shows that it is actually possible to get through to people sometimes. It’s a shame that no avenue but violence has been left to us to do so.
I think most people have known about the situation for years. Apathy isn’t a result of disinterest or lack of care, it’s a result of lack of agency and lack of hope. Now both of those are slightly more on the table.
By making a big show of this arrest, they’ve ensured that what they don’t want to happen will happen.
They will share out of fear.
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It’s going to happen.
I know two things.
- Luigi didn’t do it
- What happened was a Christmas miracle, the rich will only share if it’s profitable or if they’re scared.
If we learn something from “A Christmas Carol”, it’s that a rich person must go through at least 3 traumatic events before they repent.
Spot on
You’ve got far right militias blowing up America’s electric grid infrastructure, threatening politicians, having standoffs on federal property, and patrolling hurricane impacted areas trying to capture federal employees that are there helping, and I’ve never heard those people referred to as terrorists.
Because they’re only making the poor unhappy.
They’re not only making the poor unhappy, the chaos they sow disproportionally affects the working class, the majority of the population. The more fragmented the majority, the better for the leech ruling-class minority. Chaos provides opportunity for those with power to consolidate further power - financial, social, and political.
Those people are terrorists!
What about the domestic terrorist corporations who assassinate whistleblowers? Or are there so many hands involved there that it’s not worth the trouble to dismantle those terrorist organizations?
Just as long as the shareholders stay happy and the line goes up.
“Nah, they cool.” - these assholes, almost certainly
What about them? They just got their picks elected as the next president and dipshit-in-chief.
Did he care about the domestic violent extremism before it started to affect the wealthy?
No, not at all. They’re only mad because for the first time, the elite feel mortal.
You ever heard of the “less dead”, well, Brian Thompson is “more dead”
And for those who haven’t “Less Dead” is a saying used to describe people who’s deaths the police don’t look into because they’re “not important enough”
Many serial killers get away with their crimes simply because they’re smart enough to only kill those who would be deemed “less dead”
Mayorkas said white nationalists are the biggest threat to domestic security. He was impeached by Nazis. He doesn’t repeat bullshit about immigration. Not necessarily a standard asshole that fails upwards.
If someone would say this shit on the news in real time, I might actually watch it. But it’s all so scripted and tame I can’t bring myself to care.
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His lawyer made a great point about how law enforcement and the media threw “alleged” out the window and just insisted he did it…
What’s disappointing is it’s apparently working because when I do see and “allegedly” thrown in, people are down voting it like it’s a conspiracy.
People always want to act like propaganda can’t effect them, but the whole country immediately accepted that he was guilty because of a tiny change in reporting from the norm.
But especially with the wrinkle that someone brought it up to the McD’s worker and then she snitched…
I think the cop’s have a reason they’re sure, it’s just they got that reason illegally thru means we’re not supposed to know they have. Which explains a lot of shit.
Frankly I still question if he’s a lookalike scapegoat so the police can save face and try to put it to bed. May also explain the odd “planted” evidence that is being mentioned.
Eh, if he was a real random fall guy, they wouldn’t have picked a rich handsome guy in his mid 20s.
Like, it’s almost most definitely him…
But fuck the cops, fuck the wealthy, and fuck the healthcare industry. They need to prove it beyond reasonable doubt and all those groups are habitual liars.
So if I was on the jury, they’d need a lot of evidence and need to be able to explain how they got it. They used some illegal spy tech shit because it’s a rich victim? Then all evidence gained after gets thrown out.
Yeah, and NYPD wouldn’t have gone so far out of state so quickly. If I was trying to grab a fall guy as fast as possible, I would have picked up the nearest criminal I knew that looked vaguely like him and might have had motive.
wouldn’t have gone so far out of state so quickly
Nah, that part I get, they knew shooter came in on a bus, so they grab someone on a bus.
The gun, silencer, and manifesto could have been from the central park bag.
It’d just be crazy they wrapped the one guy on a Greyhound bus with generational wealth.
His best defense is pushing that angle, the “but how did you find me?”
Like, this part has barely been mentioned:
Authorities said a customer in the restaurant thought he matched the description of the suspect in Thompson’s killing and notified an employee, who called 911.
To me it’s more likely that customer was a fed or law enforcement, they already knew he was there, they just needed a legal way to act on that. There’s been a big push to put all the blame on the fast food worker, but I have a feeling stuff like that would have kept happening and may not even have been the first person told.
It’s no “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams”, but you could build a legal defense on this that results in all charges thrown out.
No doubt all kinds of face recognition NSA spy shit without a warrant
They don’t need facial recognition, there’s gait recognition that’s just as good.
However I don’t think that’s what it was because Luigi’s back issues would have introduced variations in gait that make it much harder.
It’s 2024 bro…
That’s all stuff we knew about 20 years ago, I think what they used is something we can’t even guess at. Once we find out it’ll sound like common sense like gait recognition and savvier criminals will account for it by doing things like wearing different sized shoes or even putting tacks in their shoes.
But until people know what’s being used, they can’t beat it reliably, which is why they do these parallel investigations to hide how they really do it (only applicable when one of the elites are victims).
I suspect the Ministry of Silly Walks will start receiving a lot of new grant requests soon if you’re correct about gait recognition being used in this case.
There’s another case I have a strong suspicion about. Some “random guy at the bar” tipped off the FBI about a guy they’ve been watching for years. They claim they printed out the picture matching the name/description and the agent recognised him immediately as someone he had questioned once and snapped him up. Was one of those guys planning to blow shit up but I don’t get why they couldn’t get a fucking warrant for that.
they wouldn’t have picked a rich handsome guy in his mid 20s.
Why not? Luigi Mangione is closer to pleb status than billionaire status. He’s not in the class that the police protect, why would they have any qualms about framing him?
Wouldn’t shock me. Police always want things to be done in open and shut cases all of the time. Makes their job easier.
This conspiracy theory doesn’t make any sense to me. All the “real killer” would have to do would be to kill someone else and the entire deception would fail.
Or be happy they know they got away with it.
But the cops wouldn’t know that. Why would they take the gamble that their entire ruse could easily be undone? Again, it doesn’t make sense to me.
Cops: “That’s just a copycat/nutjob.”
Who looks like the guy in the original images?
I mean if we’re going to go all crazy conspiracy, maybe they gave Mangione super fast plastic surgery too?
Let’s hope there are a lot of “real killers” out there waiting for their chance.
“So Luigi has a copycat eh? This is why the people who idolize Mangione are the problem! Never forget Bob Thomas or whatever that fucker’s name was.”
A copycat who looks just like the person in the first images?
Again, this just doesn’t make sense to me.
He doesn’t though
Is this one of those “who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes” situations?
I’m not the first to point out that the guy in the security camera footage isn’t even the same skintone as Luigi
I feel like people want it to be him because they want to know who did it, not because they’re angry but because they want someone to identify with.
Without wanting to sound like a conspiracy nut, the evidence against him is too convenient. I mean sure he probably did it, but who plans the murder of a high-profile target, escapes the initial manhunt, and then walks around carrying the murder weapon, multiple fake IDs, and a manifesto basically confessing to it? And if you’re the type of person to write a manifesto and expect to be caught, why would you run away in the first place?
Yeah, the whole thing doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. He went through all that effort to not get caught in the first place, but then just kept the murder weapon, backpack, same outfit, and everything? Unless he wanted to get caught, but then why did he run at all?
Yeah, it doesn’t fit with me either. It’s like a professional did the killing and then they apprehended a clueless imbecile.
Because it’s planted and this aint the count
My money is on illegal surveillance from an alphabet agency
I’ve been noticing this on NPR, but they’re weirdly cagey about it. Kind of like if a shitty editor went over the script and added “allegedly” to where it needs to, but only in places that are phrased in a specific way (not saying they’re doing that).
Would you say they’re allegedly doing that?
A lot of people are asking this question
They realize by treating him like a special case, they’re basically letting him walk.
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Yea we got the guy! And he had the same kind of weapon on him so we know how he did it! And he had the same fake id! And a hand written manifesto! He just takes all that stuff to breakfast at mcdonalds. Totally normal thing to do
Is he even claiming they got the wrong guy? I feel like if he had a different story or an alibi, we’d have heard it by now. He did it.
That said, if I’m on the jury (hypothetically. I can’t be.) I’m voting not guilty. I wouldn’t convict any of the soldiers who went after Osama. Same thing. You’ve got an enemy who has killed thousands of Americans and is conventionally untouchable. So someone took him out. That’s a hero, not a criminal.
Im not going to pretend to know legal strategy or that the media is conveying what hes saying. He has entered a “not guilty” plea, so you could say that hes saying it wasnt him. Other than that, ive heard no actual statement from him or his attorney on the matter
Edit for clarity
I’m thinking they either violated the 4th Amendment so hard that any conviction would be impossible, or this isn’t their guy.
They want to idolize him, it’s hard to idolize the falsely accused.
Yet I’d say the fact that they’re just saying “He did it!” at the first guy who fit the description… Is even more proof that the system is fucked and highlights the very thing Brian was rightfully slain over.
I’m not so sure the cops are actually sure, there are enough questions around how all this shook out, none of it really adds up well, so either they’re hiding the evidence that links this shit together, or they’re railroading someone who looks like the guy who flashed a smile (who we don’t even know for sure is the shooter) so they can look good by closing the case fast and making an example of him.
Its fucked up the news is acting like Sandy Hook wasn’t a decade ago. All this guy is accused of is shooting a CEO.
Sandy hook was instead normalized, and happens multiple times over across the nation annually. Pew pew ‘muricuh
Maybe if it happens enough, we can normalize billionaire CEO murder as well.
CEO or not, billionaires gotta go
Ya you don’t have to be a CEO to hold massive investments across the board
The problem here is the frequency of the crimes. If CEOs were being shot on a weekly to bi weekly average in groups of 3 or more, this crime would become one of the many others the American media wash over.
That sounds like a challenge
We’ve come a long way with fun trends. Planking, owling, cat breading, an now CEOing, what a time to live in
They got Luigi’d!
Indeed, the powerful would be left on their own like they left our children on their own. Only unlike our kids, they could do something about it…
The billionaires would be totally “scrooged”, better share the wealth assholes. A poor man, isn’t a murdered man.
Well, I can dream…
pretty sure the affect on stonks would make congress address it differently
This is the disheartening part that highlights the class divide. Shootings of common folk barely make the news where I’m from. How much have taxpayers paid for this so far? Justice clearly isn’t being applied equally.
I don’t really think it’s a conspiracy of sorts, it’s just news media being news media. They want the most clicks, doesn’t matter much what for or what the consequences are. it’s the same reason why trump yet again got so extremely much news coverage. Had news organizations all decided not to waste their time with trump, we wouldn’t have his presidency now. In reality though, everyone and their mother had to talk about trump, it was trump before and after and now we have yet again to deal with this fuck face for a other 4 years. I know that news media aren’t the only ones to blame, theyight now even be the worst, but he’ll do they have a large share of the blame for all the shit that had been happening lately, and it’s all about the clicks, it’s all about the money
Like you mentioned, it’s the biased part of the business which wrestles with journalistic integrity.
ie. Return on Investment, special access or limited access compared to your competitors depending how your piece is written.
It’s not entirely surprising when journalistic integrity is at odds with the finances that fund said journalism, but it most certainly can be disappointing.
I think governments should fund multiple independent foundations that can fund news organizations and journalists. This way, news can focus on just that: actual news. If the organizations are 100% independent, then so can be the news organizations. It might need some tweaking here and there but anything is better than what we have now
Totally agree. Unfortunately it’ll still be attacked as “government funded media” like NPR gets even though from my understanding what you’re describing sounds more international. And I’m sure there will always be pressure from countries demanding veto power or they’ll cut their funding similar to the issues the UN has, but we can’t let searching for the best solution keep us from implementing one that’s better than what we have now.