Probably the AT-ST walker from Star Wars. That was cool since I hadn’t made anything that bit, but it was all grey, and therefore as memorable an experience as the last 9 star wars movies
Edit: 8 of the last 9. Rogue One was a great movie
Probably the AT-ST walker from Star Wars. That was cool since I hadn’t made anything that bit, but it was all grey, and therefore as memorable an experience as the last 9 star wars movies
Edit: 8 of the last 9. Rogue One was a great movie
I would love ranked choice. It completely flopped on the state ballot in Colorado this past election because both parties are completely against it
I honestly do think I see where you’re coming from but my follow-up question is then which country(ies) on this planet ought not to be destroyed? Are you of the opinion that all systems built off the backs of suffering should end or just certain ones that have crossed a threshold?
So… your point is that Trump is not a problem? Or are you saying that the acceleration of the destruction of a country which 340 million people rely on is a good thing?
Or is there some other intent to your post that isn’t part of the above things I mentioned?
“Muskian fraud” seems like a good term for someone who desperately claims to be a genius but can’t back it up. “Trumpian fraud” seems like a good term for someone who desperately claims to be wealthy but can’t back it up.
Consider the Thames river. Which one? Depends on how you read it out loud.
The “Temz” runs through London while the “Thayms” runs through somewhere in Connecticut.
Didn’t realize there was a meta bridge to messenger. That’s dope
Thankfully my family shifted to iMessage a while ago and at least that’s encrypted and doesn’t support the meta business. I deleted all of my Meta accounts already
Musk unbanned Trump from Twitter.
My family relied on Facebook messenger for communication for a long time so I only just recently deleted it and Instagram after Zuck announced hate speech was explicitly allowed
Spider-man 2 (the recent one with Miles Morales, Kraven, and Venom) mainly because who wouldn’t want to be Spider-man
Multiple times while I was playing this game I forgot that it was supposed to be in a futuristic fictional sci-fi world. It feels more immersive and realistic than GTA because even that game is very in-your-face tongue-in-cheek. Cyberpunk is not at all sarcastic
Yeah basically.
Praise Trump! He’s saved America by bringing plastic straws back to the White House cafeteria!
someone fucking shoot me now
If I’m not mistaken, this is actually what he meant when he said “Drill, baby, drill”
This CollegeHumor video was 8 years ahead of its time: If the Other Party Wins
“Survival of the fittest”
bitch, explain cows
One is phrased with specificity, implying the action is extremely particular. The other one makes it sound like the horse is likely to bite you if you’re looking in its mouth too closely
In a two party, first past the post voting country no election is legitimate
“Please insert envelopes of cash to our dowse-with-gasoline machine that only sometimes randomly sparks“
I’m mad. I’m very mad. I’m also very tired of watching political movements get shut down by the people who respond with “yes, we need to do better” followed by a handful of performative actions, and absolutely no substantive change.
I believe in a general strike. Wholeheartedly. I believe it would make real change. How the hell do I organize one safely? How do I trust any of the other people online who claim to be organizing them?