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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • but if they aren’t working for you, pay someone else

    My realtor was never on time to a single showing. He never knew the answer to any question without taking time to look it up himself. He couldn’t remember my specifications and his reading comprehension was non-existent as I had to repeat myself many, many times to get any kind of point across.

    If I hadn’t gotten my house when I did, I would have dropped him. If I were any other kind of business owner and one of my employees acted like that people would think I was a fucking moron for keeping them on.

    Your realtor is your employee. Don’t be afraid to fire them for shitty performance.

  • Amen, my phone doesn’t do a thing to draw my attention unless someone is actively calling me or I have willed it do so for an extremely limited amount of time.

    It feels so natural to toss my phone aside and not touch it again for a couple hours, it seems weird to me there are people that, like, cannot do that without anxiety

  • Me too. I went there when I was 10 or 11, and as a child all I noticed was how incongruous it was with everything. I wasn’t awed by it, and my parents seemed sort of put out with how I didn’t care for it compared to my sisters.

    I’d like to pretend that’s some kind of deep political sentiment, but really I think it’s just aesthetically displeasing if you don’t have a thing for monuments

  • This is interesting, because I have the same things happen with different reasons behind them. Responding to a joke as though I didn’t understand it was one is something I find internally amusing, and my own sense of humor is pretty dry/deadpan so people do miss sometimes when I’m “joking back” as it were

    I think the dividing line is the intensity/frequency, unless one knows one is diagnosed. My coworkers for example pick up on the differences in the way I talk when I’m joking vs sincere pretty quick, and likewise learn that I find some small amusing in being irritating now and again