Yeah, but since it’s a liquid it doesn’t have the texture of solid rock.
Yeah, but since it’s a liquid it doesn’t have the texture of solid rock.
That’s his fault for not retracting his head before pooping! This poor guy doesn’t have the option:
“Some dark corners” being literally everywhere online.
The house is made of inanimate gingerbread, while he’s a gingerbread golem.
How am I supposed to read an image that hasn’t been blurred by countless reposts??
Triangle Man hates Gingerbread Man.
The plurality of voters.
Gizmodo regrets the error and the fact that our country is about to be run by vile billionaires who will enrich themselves even further.
“They say great science is built on the shoulders of giants. Not here. At Aperture, we do all our science from scratch. No hand holding.”
Could we get some pictures to go along with the names? No reason…
“Won’t someone think of the poor CEOs? And give me some sugar water!”
I hope you spend time decrying the hundreds of people who die pointless deaths every day from insurance companies denying their claims, too.
CEOs are just as easily replaced as the drones at the bottom.
Or “What the fuck do YOU want??”
It is, which makes the most sense. The person who needs the attention might not be conscious to state anything.
We can thank England for those damn things.
I feel feathery
Oh, so feathery
All my plumage is standing up tall