I know you didn’t ask, but you don’t need a weird fork of emacs to run a Clojure REPL, that just works in regular emacs
I know you didn’t ask, but you don’t need a weird fork of emacs to run a Clojure REPL, that just works in regular emacs
Guys, you’re thinking about this way too hard. Pictures like this have been floating around the Internet for decades. It’s not fancy ai downscaling or any sort of fingers, they’ve just been JPEGed into oblivion
I’m leaning towards real, there’s signs in the background that have coherent text on them, instead of weird, unintelligible, almost-letters.
Fine by me, at least in the long run. I look forward to advancing to the utopia where robots do all the work, every human receives a UBI (or money is just done away with entirely), and we’re all free to pursue whatever hobbies we want, instead of toiling away to increase stock value for the shareholders. We’re probably a long (long) way off from that, but I welcome any progress towards it.
Yeah it’s not an easy problem to solve. Encouraging unionizing would certainly help, or if you wanna get even more radical, a supplemental UBI. Ultimately though, until those things are more attainable, if an employer hires someone to do a job, and the value created by the person doing that job doesn’t justify paying them* a living wage, I think it’s on the employer to reevaluate the job they’re asking someone to do for them. Maybe that means exploring automation options to help that worker generate more value, or maybe explicitly stating that the job is a part-time job that won’t provide a living wage, or maybe reorganizing/adding job responsibilities such that the hired worker can generate more value.
(I assume, because I can’t fathom a criticism of paying someone more than the value their labor creates, therefore I’ll just assume it’s actually a value judgment of the person themself)
If the value a person’s labor creates doesn’t support their basic necessities even though they work full time, either things cost too much or that labor is undervalued. Anyone who does a job full time deserves to be able to cover their basic necessities.
He should at least let the friend own however much equity in the house they helped pay with their rent payment, to be paid out when the house is sold
Can confirm, as someone who spent multiple study halls trying to program a top down shooter on his calculator
ChatGPT is famously bad at the things you’d use a calculator for though
My local place does a seasonal latte with fall spices and ginger syrup, and it’s my favorite thing on the menu. It’s a good combo of flavors, no shame in that
I think getting semis off the highway where they’re going 60-70 mph would make a big difference in highway safety though. And you could have less semis going from depots to stores if stores were smaller and more frequent, such that deliveries could be made via cargo vans rather than semis.
All good! I had no idea that distinction was made in other languages, thanks for teaching me something new!
Yeah Kentucky is a lot more blue than people think
Man, if only we could separate freight from commuter traffic. Like, imagine if all those tractor trailers were on their own separate road, but make it out of, IDK, metal or something so it can withstand the weight better. You could even just have metal right under the wheels, to reduce costs. But what do I know, I’m just some pie in the sky nobody who doesn’t know what he’s talking about
There’s substantial evidence that Trump can’t read, or at least not at a level expected of an adult professional
If the case results in ending someone’s fucking life, yeah, absolutely revaluate that shit
Not op, but imma be honest with you, I’m currently drunk at an airport bar and I appreciate the absolute fuck out of this tldr
Holy shit I forgot about Drakengard. That’s the one with the giant sky babies right?
Back of the oven is gettin pretty crowded, I could use some more back burners