Yeah, I’m giving up after this.
The Democratic party just can’t deal with the stupidity and racism that is the American population.
I mean for fucks sake, Black and Latino voters increased their votes for Trump this time around.
Just time to hang up the hat and let America burn.
Biden got 81,282,916 votes
Harris got 66,153,556 votes
Americans didn’t even bother to show up and now we have a Republicans in control of all three branches again. Yeah, there’s no saving this democracy.
Don’t forget they are going to intentionally force us back to coal and oil, and stifle all transitions to cleaner energy. So really how bad could it be
Oh yeah, the world is pretty fucked here. We’re at a tipping point for climate disaster.
Honestly, maybe this is what the cure is for humanity.
The Oxygen Catastrophe wasn’t a one-time poisoning. It was a series of oxygenation waves, killing themselves off only to rebuild and kill themselves off again. We were never cured of the oxygen polluters.
It’s going to be interesting when climate refugees start overwhelming the habitable regions (like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Wisconsin), driving housing costs even higher. People who think housing prices are high now will rudely awaken when the influx of people from the coastal regions – who have not only been displaced by climate disasters but have also lost their savings, and insurance will not bail them out – are competing for already limited affordable housing and local jobs.
But of course more drilling will totally fix that, right?
Well see they fixed that by taking the cheaper labor sources for fixing coastal roofs after storms and actively paying to have them removed from the country, while no longer accepting their taxes. : )
Everyone knows when you increase labor shortages, and prices for construction material, construction costs and insurance go down! …wait
Easter Islanders cut down all the their trees, so they couldn’t even escape the collapse their behavior brought on. We’re going to see that world wide now.
Maybe a lot of Democrats also dislike women in power and black people. Maybe the American people, regardless of the party they say they support, are still very conservative. This is not an unpopular opinion outside the USA.
Yes. That is the ultimate conclusion for me as well. The American people voted for racism and sexism, because they are racist and sexist. America can’t do better because this is the best we have. Trump represents conservatives. It’s really confusing because his actions aren’t conservative… but here we are.
This is the best we have
The best America can do is fucking awful. It’s been this way for years. We elected Bush II twice. We elected Reagan twice. We elected Nixon twice. It’s always been a shitty country filled with terrible people.
I’d like to say I’m glad other people are starting to realize something I’ve known for years, but people are going to get hurt because “patriotic liberals” didn’t have the courage to admit we’re the shithole country.
I don’t think it’s that simple, but it’s understandable to think like this just the next morning after such a defeat.
This is insane. This was a failure of the Democratic party.
It was a failure of the voter. No campaign Harris could’ve ran would’ve won. Biden needed to pick a different veep, that’s why this is happening. Had it been a white guy, we’d be fine. Race and sex do matter
Democrats had a mulligan. Instead of finding a candidate that gave them the best chance, they pick the person next in line. Would have been difficult to pick someone else? Yes. Would it have been worth it? I think so.
We cant really test that theory now
But we can hold the decision makers accountable.
Nah. Trump got fewer votes (when you account for the ~4% population growth since the 2020 election) than last time, while Dems lost a fuckton of votes, compared to 2020.
Trump won, both the election, and the popular vote, not because he got Dems to vote for him, but because a dozen million Dems decided not to vote at all.
You are saying, in other words, that a black woman with indian ancestry and an exemplary career in the government was not enough incentive to go vote for self-perceived progressive people? That was actually my point.
Exemplary? Lol
Exemplary. Not saying she excelled at everything, but she had several responsibilities in different levels of government and never was impeached or tried for anything related to her work. Lol.
Honestly, yeah. She’s been in government positions for decades and hasn’t had any real scandals. The worst thing I heard was that when she was a DA, her department worked with the local police, and the police department had a lab tech that was stealing cocaine and was testing the product at work several times. And a judge scolded the police department and DA office for not doing a better job handling that issue.
She had a pretty decent record of good morals and making effective, positive changes. Unless there’s someone I haven’t heard
a dozen million Dems decided not to vote at all.
Maybe. Some things just don’t add up. Historic number of bullet ballots and Democrats winning in down-ballot races where Kamala lost, not to mention the rampant voter disenfranchisement and vote challenges that threw thousands of ballots out. Don’t forget Musk buying votes in Pennsylvania and spending a quarter of a billion dollars on the election.
Honestly, yeah, there would have to be a decent amount of them with almost 20 million voters who didn’t show up to vote.
Americans didn’t even bother to show up and now we have a Republicans in control of all three branches again.>
Absolutely. Trump did not have a significant bump in votes, 10 million voters did not turn out, or so early figures show. Of them, it’s largely white suburban males. Apathy leads to populism. Dr. King had something to say about white liberals…
Sure but at the same time Blacks and Latinos made significant bumps to the Trump vote here too. I would have to imagine that Dr. Kind would have some choice words for them too.
When the plague of face-eating leopards arrives, I will be interested in the responses of the people who never thought their faces would get eaten
I’m sorry that part of my immigrant family is this stupid. Thankfully, they can’t vote fwiw. 🤷♂️
Don’t feel bad man, your family isn’t you and you can’t control when your family does something stupid. Heck my immigrant family that can vote was going on about not voting this year because of both sides bullshit and I had to talk them that yeah, you need to vote regardless. Not that it mattered because native born Americans are such a lost cause at this point.
My parents didn’t vote either. They’re also upset that they don’t have many choices because they’re independents. To them it doesn’t matter who the president is, to them it is inconsequential.
Then encourage them on reforms to get rid of First-past-the-post and they may get someone who is capable of thinking and breathing to vote for.
They (and the rest of us) are going to find out it is consequential
They think.