Yelp and more scrolling past ads. Mostly caring about style and food pics. Reviews are pretty trash, so depending on the type of place anything 3+ Stars is generally worth looking at.
Yelp and more scrolling past ads. Mostly caring about style and food pics. Reviews are pretty trash, so depending on the type of place anything 3+ Stars is generally worth looking at.
I guess it’s not the backyard, but grilling at tailgating is super common.
They might want to tap the brakes on joining Syria until they know which rebel force is going to be the new dictator.
The standard name the president elect person of the year. At this point it’s hardly even news.
The solution to getting more votes is to accept people who don’t agree with everything you do instead of attack them? What a surprise.
We are still suffering the effects of bad software patents. Tons of garbage patents were granted in the form of “common everyday thing, but on a computer.” A notable one was the digital shopping cart that was eventually invalidated.
My siblings shared a phone for a while that was basically to call when we needed to be picked up. I think I was driving before I got my own phone.
Being fired for any or no reason is at will employment.
Right to work has nothing to do with that. It’s about allowing people to not pay union dues. Those people are still protected by the union contract.
You can’t even be a senator until 30 though, what should happen is anything more than 2 terms is equally senior.
Since you have to be 25/30 to be a rep/senator, I think it’s fair to consider 40 and under young. US politicians are stupidly old though.
You need to be the change you want though. Being yet another octogenarian in Congress isn’t helping.
Sanders should have retired at least 2 terms ago. Even if you think he’s one of the good ones l, the damage these old members are doing is absurd. We could have had a potential presidential candidate in that seat. He could write critical letters as a retired senator. All the 70+ Congress critters need to be forced out.
This part was incredibly frustrating. Personal and second hand examples.
A lady believed the defendant couldn’t possibly rob a place during his lunch break. It was a 5-10 minute drive from his workplace. Couldn’t point this out on a map, because one wasn’t introduced as evidence.
A lady couldn’t believe that a corrections officer would just be a dick to an inmate. There is no way they would ever use the ability to search a cell to destroy property or as retaliation.
Blaming the loss of domestic industry on brexit is just wrong. Not having a domestic lab is still bad without brexit, it’s just not headline worthy.
You don’t benefit from it. Having been in a place where positivity is a focus, it’s just ignoring any problems or criticism that can’t be addressed with a work harder attitude. It forces out anyone not drinking the Kool aid, and those tend to be better employees.
California uses a jungle primary though, which disenfranchises minority parties.
You can’t just destroy money. With fractional reserve banking any bank can create money, but they can’t destroy it. Only the Fed can “destroy” money by buying bonds back and not reselling them. Forgiving a is a loss to the lender, in the case of student loans, the government guarantees them, so the lender gets made whole and the government assumes the debt on behalf of the borrower.
The government guarantees the loan. Student loans are ultimately the government taking out a loan on behalf of a citizen.
In the strictest legal sense it’s not stealing.
Forgiving loans of those who followed a program and qualified is definitely not stealing. Not forgiving those loans and forcing payment, is at least analogous to stealing.
Blanket forgiveness of all loans is similar to stealing from future generations, as it is government debt that isn’t getting repaid as expected.
They probably still get a decent deal. At the end of the day the UK would still be a significant boost to the EU. It is the second biggest economy in Europe.