What year is it? 2004?
The median WoW player has to be at least 38.
38 year old adults are generally assumed to be of voting age, registered, and willing to vote. Do you think he’ll get better voter turnout from something like Roblox or Fortnite?
The title says “young voters”
Have you ever voted? Like, gone to the voting booth and voted? How about attended a caucus or primary? Because I regularly do, I’m 45, and I’m typically the youngest person in the building.
The US voting base is old as fuck.
People don’t realize just how enormous the Baby Boomers were, as a generation.
When I lived in FL, I swear I was the only one voting that wasn’t retired.
I first voted when I was 18. Younger people vote when you give them a candidate that actually speaks to their needs. If we had West and Stein on the national debate stage, I’m sure we’d have more young voters.
What are the needs that young people have that are not being addressed by the Harris campaign?
I mean the greatest threat to the future is the climate crisis and nuclear arsenals. Both of those require dismantling the military industrial complex.
Harris has doubled down on continuing to extract carbon and spending on the military.
But those are just the existential threats
I hear you, but please still get out and vote for Harris/Walz this November. This is about keeping the infrastructure of representative democracy in place so we will be able to work towards those needed changes. If Trump wins, all that is going away, and those of us guilty of thought crimes such as believing in global warming will end up in prison at best.
Nobody wants West or Stein except for Putin lol
I was going to find the stream and see what types are in the audience. Can’t find it.
I can glimpse 6:30PM before the paywall blocks it, though I can’t see what timezone. Looks like EST or CST, so probably just ended and vod should be up soon somewhere?
It’s twitch. Go on any channel with above 500-1000 viewers and it’ll all be the same. Unless it’s a super modded channel with sub-only and slow mode and shit. Even then you get quite a bit of spam
Great idea. But young voters ain’t playing WOW
They are watching Twitch though. And what game is playing? Doesn’t seem to matter.
My bro is exactly 38 and plays WoW daily 😅 so from my perspective you can’t be far off. Apropros for people saying wow players can vote, the attempt was to reach young voters.
I waited in line at the fountain valley fry’s.
43 here lol
We could tell from frys
If not older. I’m older than 38 and my guild mates are older than me.
I think there is a new Wow, or one coming… There have been a bunch of ads about it in the last month
One just came out. It’s pretty good, but that’s easy to say because Shadowlands set the bar very, very low.
I realized today that Trump also has a Twitch (because it was recommended to me???) that basically just (re)streams his rallies.
Reported that shit for Hateful Conduct.
Even “better”, from what I recall he had what was listed as a permanent suspension after the whole “mildly incited a tiny bit of light insurrection (/s)” thing. They unbanned him specifically for this election season.
Yeah gotta give him a chance to do a major insurrection obviously, because that sounds like they banned him for failing the first time 🙄
It was pushed on my home page. I reported for inciting terrorism, and reported the twitch app on google store for political terrorism.
Do kids still do WoW? I assumed it’d be all parent aged folks by now
Article on Waltz’s gaming history…
You know what just occurred to me, Waltz might actually be on the other tail of WoW players if he picked it up in the early 2000’s. He might actually be decent at the game.
Yep. I have a relative his age or even a bit older who’s been a WoW fanatic since release.
If I was going to pick a high profile stream, I’d sandbag for a game I’m good at.