Not sure if it counts but I try to tutor math, and other science courses, for free whenever possible.
Not sure if it counts but I try to tutor math, and other science courses, for free whenever possible.
To build a bit on this, be patient with him! Even if he keeps saying not, it doesn’t matter, he’ll probably still appreciate it. Especially in the future. And it’ll show him that you’re interested in him, even if he doesn’t outwardly show it, it’s a huge boost coming from a parent.
The anal gods are asking for another sacrifice
I like your answer a lot
Thanks for introducing me to that song. I love it!
They probably just came from a holiday, give them a break!
Great. One of my top fears just got worse ʘ‿ʘ
Good precedent, still far from enough though.
The extremely brainwashed ones would probably say it’s not because you can only genocide humans and those brown Arabs aren’t really human.
Source: I’m a brown Arab and I’ve been told that on multiple occasions.
Yes, it can’t cut women
In defense of trump, it’s what white jesus wants
Foreign-born? You mean immigrant!
Should i work a soul crushing job and starve? Or not work a soul crushing job and starve? Such a hard choice!
At least you got mine ;)
This is normal, it just means your controller is afk
You spelled ‘cancer’ wrong
I don’t know, whenever i go for a new pencil, i end up leaving with a new couch or mattress. So is it really free!?!
Spoiled children don’t have the capacity for that much emotional Intelligence. It’s physically impossible.
The unchecked cancer is spreading? Shocker!