Ok…forget Jessica Simpson. Let’s Thanos snap her out of existence, and then Men in Black laserpen flashy thing everyone on earth to forget she ever existed. Everybody on the same page then? Ok, cool. Let’s continue.
The name Blessica sucks.
Yeah I think the moral of this story is not to knock-up someone who likes the name Blessica.
Or whose last name is Blimpson.
I don’t think you can “knock-up” a guy.
We live in the 21st century. Anything is possible. Also, women have last names, too.
Not with that attitude.
you can certainly try
With a mace everything is possible.
And malice
And my (bl)axe
I mean, you can knock up a trans guy
Damn :(
someone who likes the name Blessica
I picture this as someone who goes to church a lot, reads romance novels, bakes awesome cookies, and says things like “sounds like somebody’s got a case of the Mondays!”
Blive, blaugh, blove
To… blave…
Blilly Blystal
Is that you scoob?
Ruh roh
No. No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you’d get your ass kicked sayin’ something like that, man.
That’s a crunchy mom?
“Don’t stick your d*ck in crazy”
Yes. But also: Blessica Blimpson.
I think It worked, I have no idea who Jessica Simpson is, is it Homer Simpson’s sister or something?
She just took the name Jessica and fumbled at the beginning.
I think you mean the bleginning
I think the idea is that it begins with “Bless”. It’s not a good idea at all, but pretty sure that’s what it is.
It’s a child not a vanity plate
Ohhhh, no no honey these are straight people, their GOD GIVEN sexuality must be DISPLAYED ALWAYS
Cishet bad. Duh.
I think its a bot that starts beef
Man, I wish I had a beefbot…
Typical blahaj zone toxicity.
Yo straight people are the ones having waaay more kids and they’re still naming plenty of them with non-stupid names. Let’s focus the hate where it belongs: people who try to create personalities for themselves by using their child as a proxy for their unfulfilled hopes and dreams.
I mean, I guess the straights get pretty weird sometimes, but I’m not really seeing the connection.
Parenting is for the good of the kids, not the wants of the parents.
Winner winner chicken dinner.
Projecting your views onto your kid only ends up with them resenting you and you feeling like they can’t meet expectations.
Some things are non-negotiable: my kids aren’t allowed to be disrespectful shit-bagels, but other than that they get to decide who they want to be. I am fortunate enough to get to discover that with them.
I refuse to believe this isn’t a shitpost
Edit: I need to start reading the communities stuff gets posted in
The original community was namenerds and digging through the original poster’s submission history I’m seeing some pretty bad poetry, 90 day fiance content and grieving the death of their parents: all spread out across the past year.
… I don’t think it’s a shit post.
Nah there’s no record of ‘Blimpson’ being a surname, I call bullshit. But your investigate efforts are appreciated.
My BS detector is on yellow alert, but here’s the reddit profile. I feel almost like the original OP may be preemptively floating the idea for some reason.
… No but Bimpson is… https://www.houseofnames.com/bimpson-family-crest
The Bimpson surname is a patronymic, created from the Medieval given name Benne, which comes from the Latin word “benedictus,” which means “blessed.”
Too much of a good thing.
Hold strong to your beliefs.
Blessica Blimpson picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been
Lives in a dream
Ahhhhhh…look at all the blonely bleople…
Where DO they all blome from?
Love The Bleatles.
I’m just picturing the album art as a bunch of baby goats in a crosswalk.
In my head it’s really adorable