Just on the floor and as big as an air fryer, this is straight out of cloudy with a chance of meatballs
It’s a metaphor since tankies don’t seem to exist or make a difference in real life
Mustard, mayo, and paprika. I also think that’d be delicious
Ah, they’re trying to get him to shake too
Paper bags, obviously
Love your username
Probably not, it’s a matter of taste. No joke, I think it tastes good and do it all the time
Huh, coulda sworn that was Alice in chains
Suck a lemon. Actually that sounds good maybe I’ll go do that
I’m the idiot who ate the entire package of Warheads in one mouthful on a whim, no peer pressure necessary. Can confirm, everything tasted like battery acid and flour for a few days there
Are many guns bought directly from the manufacturer?
You plebs and your pathetic water-displacing stench. I wear the finest kano kroil