We are gonna be so popular when we get this pool finished.
We are gonna be so popular when we get this pool finished.
Maybe he just needs advice on a new shade to wear… Who’s gonna believe them if they tell and he wants it kept private?
Brilliant idea!
I have a version this on my pet’s nail clippers that are made with them. The pet type is more like scissors, one side has a little plate you can swing around behind the opening so that you don’t have to worry clipping the dark colored nails short when the quick is hidden. Really surprised there aren’t any for people, especially for baby and elderly folks.
Wow, is that still going? Been so I long, I had about forgotten
…What ever happened to Anonymous?
Another in their 40’s, reporting same.
I remember a huge rumbling when the Sci-fi channel changed its name to SyFy. Neither word even has Y’s!!
I’m gonna go sit on the bench with the other’s while I rub my knees.
Yes! I want to see data somewhere. I hear all the time that DEI puts less qualified people in positions but I think I’ve only read one article about this being found out and provable (no idea if it was even fact, it was so many years ago) though I have not researched the data or anything. I think it’s similar to the “welfare queen” screeching. Because one shit person took advantage of a system meant to help, does not mean that all who are a part of that system have the same goal.
And the recent news of Elon wanting to hire from overseas because Americans are too dumb. Assume by race and location of person that they are the most qualified… hmmm. Their bigotry doesn’t even make sense consistently.
Porcupine meatballs?!?!
I said something about it somewhere else… while I try not to get my hopes up about things, is there possibility of an imposter thats been thoroughly looked into? Many past high profile crimes have had people eager to turn themselves in for it. This is pretty high profile.
I want my body donated to a body farm.
I’m just dropping this here too. I don’t want the previous stat being cited as absolute fact when it seems there is quite a variance on who did what study.
Guess it’s all about who is running the survey. And, I did say drive not purchased new.
I’m going to need some data for that one before I believe it. In the US, I have known many women who own trucks. I have lived in rural and urban areas and both had plenty of women who owned and drove trucks, including semi cabs. I could believe less by comparison but not “not many” without some data.
Ride that fear. Conquer that fear. Control that fear. Use it to strike terror into your enemies hearts.
Ooo! I was gonna mention that the general idea of that phrase came from the Boomer’s parent’s generation then realized it was a link, and there it is, at the bottom! I love looking into where phrases and sayings come from.
So sorry! Their bright little lives are too short by far. I have a little girl names Dorito who is in her end stages. Trying to make her comfortable and happy for the last bit she has left with us. Known lots of cat people, yours was the first that had a name close to hers that I’ve heard!
Meh. It’s prob pic OP’s cacti. Especially taking the grass background. I have these in my yard, from taking overgrowth pickings from my parents yard. I have to cut them back a couple times a year to keep them from over growing their boundaries or getting fat woody trunks.
In general though, yes. Don’t mess with natural flora and fauna.
I’ve been using Magic Earth, I am not sure that it has traffic and police. Does for sure have speed limit warnings you can set or turn off and camera alert options.
I haven’t had it very long, there may be options I missed on setup. Worked great my last few trips. You can pre-download maps before you travel which was a must for me.