Two transgender women, Dahlia and Jess, were attacked at a Minneapolis rail station, with onlookers cheering their assailants instead of helping.
After confronting a man yelling transphobic slurs, the situation escalated into a violent assault involving four or five others, leaving both women unconscious.
Advocates attribute the rise in anti-trans violence to emboldened transphobia fueled by misinformation and political rhetoric, including Donald Trump’s anti-LGBTQ+ policies.
The local trans community is responding with solidarity rallies, self-defense classes, and firearm training to prepare for a potential increase in attacks.
Police are investigating, but no arrests have been made.
I hope the people who beat them and those who cheered all live a long, miserable life full of their own loneliness, sorrow, and suffering. I hope that they die alone with nobody around them to care for or support them. And I hope to someday piss on their graves.
I’d rather they come to learn compassion and tolerance. So hatred and violence can stop.
May their children marry trans people and their siblings decide not to bother inviting them to holidays
I’d prefer a short, agonizing one for them, personally. Ever heard of the
snuff filmmovie hostel?Nah, too long. Can we get a thanos snap?
I feel like that lets them off the hook too much. But I suppose if it’s all we have…
What in the world would the benefit of not “letting them off the hook” be…?
Schadenfreude/revenge porn.
Not a great benefit but most humans like to indulge in it from time to time 🤷🏻♀️
But in the long run it would be better for marginalized communities if the assholes all just disappeared immediately so while the schadenfreude would be delectable it’s probably not worth it.
Personally, I prefer Law Abiding Citizen.
I thought Minneapolis was one of the more enlightened places in the USA. But I guess they also have these violent bigots and murderous racist cops.
Well George Floyd was murdered in Minneapolis so it’s not looking too great there
Black people are (still) getting murdered by cops everywhere. What set Minneapolis apart was that they didn’t stand by and watch, they did something about it. Sadly, that isn’t what happened in this story.
This is what worries me when my trans friends tell me they don’t want to carry a weapon. They often say they live in a safe city, that they don’t feel there’s any danger being “out” in public where they live. And then stories like this happen.
I don’t think there are safe cities anymore. We saw attacks against LGBT communities rise under Trump once already, and we’re already seeing them popping up again before he’s even back in office. I really wish more trans people were open to the idea of carrying something to protect themselves with; even a knife of pepper spray is better than nothing. Don’t go without a fight.
Everyone should carry pepper spray.
Pepper spray has limited range and can affect the person using it. I recommend to those unable or unwilling to carry a firearm to carry a high powered flashlight to blind assailants.
Bigger flashlights can be used as a club very easily, but i would recommend disengaging from the situation rather then standing and fighting. you should look for something small so you always have it on you.
I don’t know if the flashlight community is active here as it is on reddit (where I got the info to buy my flashight), but here it is:
I thought about going to the gas station to get pizza for games night (don’t judge, we have no other decent pizza place) in girl clothes once. I didn’t even get out of my driveway before realizing how insanely awful that idea was without a gun in a quick draw holster.
I think you’ll find the same in San Francisco, Portland, and New York.
Shitheads everywhere.
I thought Minneapolis was one of the more enlightened places in the USA.
The sad part is… it is.
This is not the first instance of transgender women getting attacked at MPLS public transit stations either. There was another such attack in the last few years at a MPLS bus station a couple miles south of my place.
My take is Minnesota in general is very divided. There are some very cool people there but also some very horrible ones. The cool ones are winning but that doesn’t mean they win every time or that it’s inevitable that they win.
Uh, George Floyd?
Mass immigration from certain very “unenlightened” areas may have ruined that forever, and also brought in an ideology that is extremely hostile to LGBT people and liberal values.
I live in mn, and unfortunately this was my first thought.
There are still chucklefucks here. Just less than other places.
It seems that after the George floydd protests across the nation, comprehensive police/justice system reform was prevented in most places. That’s the 1% telling us the protests didn’t go far enough.
Go further.
Police are investigating, but no arrests have been made.
They have surveillance footage and logs of so these people were from when they entered, surely. No arrests means they’re choosing to not arrest.
This is MPD we’re taking about…
They’re too busy beating up unarmed black civilians.
JFC I do not want to live in this reality.
Edit: I’ve played Infinite at least 10 times, and I still have no idea what happens if you throw the ball at the couple. I feel like if you press the default action button there, you should be put on a list.
Off topic and mild spoilers: this is one of the scenes that show that your choices don’t really matter (just like the coin toss and which pendant you want Elizabeth to wear). Regardless of your decision, the person next to Booker will grab his hand and point out his tattoo.
Time to arm yourselves… Everyone
This is strikingly similar to how Jews were treated in pre-war germany
Time to learn from history and not give in easily
LGBT people were treated the same way, this is how it starts.
Except if trans people defend themselves with firearms, they should expect to have the book thrown at them. It’s not fair, it’s fucked up, but it’s something I could see happening.
Rules for thee, not for me.
Always has been. Welcome to planet earth.
Surprised you’re not being downvoted to oblivion with this comment.
Regardless of their politician position, Lemmy users aren’t exactly know for being passive push overs. Those types stayed on Reddit.
I’m slightly confused with this comment. Anything pro2a on lemmy gets massively downvoted and or removed. Lemmy is filled with antigun people. Hell look at my comment on this, people probably have me tagged as a gun nut and automatically downvote me. Not that I give a shit, but it shows how ignorant they are.
Lemmy users are most definitely passive pushovers when it comes to defense.
Lemmy, like myself, if of two kinds of firearms. On one hand their proliferation throughout America has created an unending slaughter of children. That’s bad. But when a black history teacher that I’m friends with tells me to get a cc permit as a white trans woman maybe both of us should carry.
So yeah guns for oppressed minorities, mass disarmament of Nazis. But let’s be real, the inverse will happen
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Lol ok, you’re delusional if you think lemmy users are even remotely progun.
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Lol I consider myself a progressive, I voted for harris…the fuck type of bullshit strawman is “NRA talk”. Most of the left is antigun, if you think this isn’t true you’re delusional.
Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.
-Karl Marx
Cool, those who believe that fine, but the majority don’t.
I think simple minded people can only differentiate pro or anti when most issues are nuanced. Stop being simple minded. I’ve owned a gun for most of my life, I also think some of the gun laws need to change. That doesn’t make me anti gun, it just means I understand some regulation could save lives.
Things like universal background checks, and mandatory gun safety courses (resulting in a gun license), could both reduce gun violence while still allowing most citizens to own guns. That doesn’t make me anti gun, it just means I think we can do things to reduce violence by gun.
I think simple minded people can only differentiate pro or anti when most issues are nuanced. Stop being simple minded. I’ve owned a gun for most of my life, I also think some of the gun laws need to change. That doesn’t make me anti gun, it just means I understand some regulation could save lives.
Yea tons of nuance… regulation is not going to save lives. Fixing our society has. And you’re tossing out the “I’m a gun owner” as if that somehow makes you an expert on it is hilarious… because then you toss out the most ignorant “common sense” gun control next…
Things like universal background checks
Requires registration… instead they could open the NICS to people who sell guns for free…but nope.
and mandatory gun safety courses (resulting in a gun license)
So more registration…and banning private sales.
could both reduce gun violence while still allowing most citizens to own guns.
None of these will save lives, the criminals will no go through any of this to get firearms, and those who do to commit mass shootings will pass with flying colors. Those who want to use a firearm to commit suicide will also still obtain a firearm
That doesn’t make me anti gun, it just means I think we can do things to reduce violence by gun.
No it makes you ignorant on the subject and as you said. Simple minded.
Want to fix our society:
Pay teachers more
Build more schools to reduce class sizes
Make sure all kids have access to school food 3 meals a day
Single payer healthcare
Increased mental healthcare facilities and workers so kids don’t turn to suicide
Improve safety nets
End the war on drugs
End for profit prison system
End qualified immunity
All of these are actual solutions and not dumbass virtue signaling “common sense” gun laws that will not reduce our gun crime a single %.
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No, people don’t want to be banned or tracked for making certain types of statements that might be in violation of ToS(or local laws), so they dance around what they actually mean.
Lol no they do not. There is no ToS or even state/local laws in the USA that make it illegal to discuss owning firearms. The fuck are you on about? Reddit would have banned all the firearm subs a long time ago if this was the case. Lemmy users are mainly antigun, this isnt rocket science.
Your first comment in this chain is surprise about the up votes for support for armed self defense, you then insist that Lenny users don’t support gun ownership… Clearly Lemmy users support self defense. The push back I see comes from people bringing their assault rifles to do grocery shopping like some emotional support dog.
Also, an anti gun Queer person from ten years may have changed their stance by now as the situation gets more desperate. There’s no clear path for disarming every citizen and when even the State is directly hostile to your existence, you may decide that the safest path forward is to level the field.
Also, the ToS/laws comment is about what you may need a gun for that’s not exactly legal, but again, when the State makes your existence illegal, that stops being important.
Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary
Karl Marx
The majority of lemmy users do not support gun ownership. This is just a flat out lie.
You can search for gun, and you’re flooded with heavily upvoted antigun rhetoric. Let’s stop pretending it’s even remotely progun.
I’m all for arming people, an minority is harder to oppress.
What the actual fuck. This is beyond words, and I hope those two women heal quickly. They didn’t deserve that.
The wastes of human flesh that did this and cheered for it need to be jailed and put on a list like sex offenders. I know there’s problems with that system but there’s gotta be some kind of action people can do to help trans folks stay safe. A hate crime list would be a way to start.
I don’t know about the legality of assembling one outside official channels, but people can pressure their states to make one since the infrastructure is already there.
Americans in all their Ugliness is on parade and evil has been unleashed.
My live reaction:
Crowd cheered as two transgender women…
…were attacked in Minneapolis
I guess its my fault for being even slightly optimistic.
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It’s not our “Homelander lasers a protester”-moment, but we’re getting there
Jesus, thats my worst nightmare.
Onlookers aren’t just afraid to step-in, but actually all cheering for the oppressor.
If hell was real maybe they’d re-live that moment and a subsequent moment of them all being hanged in the town square with everyone cheering for them to die for the rest of eternity.
We are seeing Republican Rhetoric paying off for the bigots, Transpeople are no longer safe
How much do you want to bet some of them saw a Russian psyop of a right winger getting attacked first on Twitter boosted by musk and believed it was real
If they’re going to do this anyway, let’s make it real.
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So it’s okay to attack them? Apart from that,… next you argue the same way about gays…
You are ether an idiot or evil… or both.
So they deserve to be attacked… find a hole and sit in it for a long, long time. Maybe some self reflectance will find its way up your limited mind.
Incorrect factually, scientifically, morally.
Every single scientific organization in the US disagrees.
Assuming that’s true; are you okay with these people being attacked and beaten because of it?
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Dahlia and Jess were leaving the station when a man started yelling transphobic slurs at them, Amber Muhm, a rally organizer who spoke to both of them after the incident, told The Independent. Jess asked him to stop talking to them that way, prompting the man to “sucker punch” her. Dahlia then struck the man with her cane, Muhm said.
Although the man was “knocked out,” four or five other people ran up and began to “mercilessly beat” the two transgender women, Muhm said.
“People were cheering the attackers on,” Muhm said. Both of them were knocked unconscious and Dahlia was left with a broken nose while Jess suffered “multiple contusions” on her ribs
Because you clearly didn’t actually read it.
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Which part makes you think the man yelling insults to strangers and then sucker punching them when called out on it makes him the victim?
Or maybe it’s the five guys that ground pounded them, breaking a nose and ribs, that are the victims.
Snowflake behavior. It’s crazy how triggered people get from a strangers sexuality, even as to defend gratuitous violence online.
Try to actually think about what you read instead of just consuming it blindly.
…Ogmios yelled into the mirror, knowing full well they were completely wrong.
Try to read.
The single person who upvoted this comment didn’t make it four paragraphs into the article. The person who wrote it is a disgusting fucking liar.
You left out and twisted just enough information to fit your false narrative. Get a life, weirdo.
What exactly is it that you think you’re trying to say?
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Jess asked him to stop talking to them that way, prompting the man to “sucker punch” her. Dahlia then struck the man with her cane, Muhm said.
Yeah, that’s some real “spin”, right there.
It sounds like you’re just trying to be contrarian? Do you have any reason whatsoever to not believe the article? I understand doubting the article, but it seems you’ve just decided that it is exactly the opposite of the truth, which I don’t get.
The reason is that the ‘journalist’ uses intense emotional language to highlight only one side of the story, while completely glossing over the fact that their ‘victim’ literally knocked someone out with a weapon. Any rational person ought to at least raise an eyebrow while they consider what could have provoked bystanders to jump in, when presented with that fact.
It’s really obvious rage bait.
What emotional lanuage do you mean, “sucker punched” maybe? Thats a pretty damn neutral recounting, come tf on.
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Turns out that describing hate crimes objectively inherently uses “leading language” since it’s a societal problem that only bigots don’t mind.
And thinking that The Independent, a well-respected broadsheet, is a tabloid is quite indicative of exactly how much you know about anything you’re talking about 🙄
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