Two transgender women, Dahlia and Jess, were attacked at a Minneapolis rail station, with onlookers cheering their assailants instead of helping.
After confronting a man yelling transphobic slurs, the situation escalated into a violent assault involving four or five others, leaving both women unconscious.
Advocates attribute the rise in anti-trans violence to emboldened transphobia fueled by misinformation and political rhetoric, including Donald Trump’s anti-LGBTQ+ policies.
The local trans community is responding with solidarity rallies, self-defense classes, and firearm training to prepare for a potential increase in attacks.
Police are investigating, but no arrests have been made.
Surprised you’re not being downvoted to oblivion with this comment.
Regardless of their politician position, Lemmy users aren’t exactly know for being passive push overs. Those types stayed on Reddit.
I’m slightly confused with this comment. Anything pro2a on lemmy gets massively downvoted and or removed. Lemmy is filled with antigun people. Hell look at my comment on this, people probably have me tagged as a gun nut and automatically downvote me. Not that I give a shit, but it shows how ignorant they are.
Lemmy users are most definitely passive pushovers when it comes to defense.
Lemmy, like myself, if of two kinds of firearms. On one hand their proliferation throughout America has created an unending slaughter of children. That’s bad. But when a black history teacher that I’m friends with tells me to get a cc permit as a white trans woman maybe both of us should carry.
So yeah guns for oppressed minorities, mass disarmament of Nazis. But let’s be real, the inverse will happen
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Lol ok, you’re delusional if you think lemmy users are even remotely progun.
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Lol I consider myself a progressive, I voted for harris…the fuck type of bullshit strawman is “NRA talk”. Most of the left is antigun, if you think this isn’t true you’re delusional.
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Lemmy is antigun and gun control is antigun. Stop getting them confused. I’ve had this argument plenty here on lemmy, and have presented tons of evidence that the majority of the left would ban guns if they had the ability to do so.
You don’t get to shout for an AWB, registration, wanting only approved places to shoot, banning basically everything but small calibers, making the cost via taxes be so high that only the rich could own them, etc. and say that your not antigun.
Because that’s your argument. Death by 1000 cuts comes into play here. When you effectively make it impossible to own something but then allow for a few fringe cases to exist, and say “well you can own it see”. You have effectively banned it, without banning it.
And I’m not using proNRA trash. The NRA is a shit organization and can go bankrupt for all I care. Stop conflating the two.
Centrist liberals are the “left” you are referring to, here. The average Lemmy user skews a bit to the left of that. If you go far enough to the actual left you get your guns back, as long as you are a prole, anyways.
Look into groups like the SRA if you want to see what I mean.
SRA still has people in it that are for large amounts of restrictions. Believe me I’ve been all over the place with understanding each groups thoughts on guns.
Lol. He is too busy fucking with you too explain. The NRA strawman is “they’re coming for your guns.” They’ve built their entire organization around that BS. It’s easy to look at a country like Iceland, see their murder rate and think, “fuck, why can’t we do that?”
But it wouldn’t work in the US. Guns are a part of the culture… it’s in the constitution… bla bla. Most people on the left (obviously, not everyone) are able to do the math and realize, the US is not Iceland. What most people want is the bare minimum restrictions on them. And the other side says, “any restriction at all is one step away from THEY’RE COMING FOR YOUR GUNS!”
You sound like you actually want the government to go take people’s guns, thus, fueling the strawman.
You replying to the right person? Cause i sure as fuck am not this person at all. I’m very pro-2a, like nearly 0 restrictions, pro-2a.
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Most true leftist… that’s the key. Type in gun into search and 95% of it will be talking shit about gun owners and how we should get rid of the guns and lock up gun owners.
Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.
-Karl Marx
Cool, those who believe that fine, but the majority don’t.
I think simple minded people can only differentiate pro or anti when most issues are nuanced. Stop being simple minded. I’ve owned a gun for most of my life, I also think some of the gun laws need to change. That doesn’t make me anti gun, it just means I understand some regulation could save lives.
Things like universal background checks, and mandatory gun safety courses (resulting in a gun license), could both reduce gun violence while still allowing most citizens to own guns. That doesn’t make me anti gun, it just means I think we can do things to reduce violence by gun.
Yea tons of nuance… regulation is not going to save lives. Fixing our society has. And you’re tossing out the “I’m a gun owner” as if that somehow makes you an expert on it is hilarious… because then you toss out the most ignorant “common sense” gun control next…
Requires registration… instead they could open the NICS to people who sell guns for free…but nope.
So more registration…and banning private sales.
None of these will save lives, the criminals will no go through any of this to get firearms, and those who do to commit mass shootings will pass with flying colors. Those who want to use a firearm to commit suicide will also still obtain a firearm
No it makes you ignorant on the subject and as you said. Simple minded.
Want to fix our society:
Pay teachers more
Build more schools to reduce class sizes
Make sure all kids have access to school food 3 meals a day
Single payer healthcare
Increased mental healthcare facilities and workers so kids don’t turn to suicide
Improve safety nets
End the war on drugs
End for profit prison system
End qualified immunity
All of these are actual solutions and not dumbass virtue signaling “common sense” gun laws that will not reduce our gun crime a single %.
I said I was a gun owner because it directly contradicted your moronic binary thinking were people can only fit in one of 2 boxes.
Okay go ahead…
And how do gun safety courses ban private sales?
Common criminals are not the only gun deaths. For crimes of passion, requiring a short term barrier to ownership usually leaves time for that passion to subside. For suicide, requiring a short term barrier is often insurmountable for someone that is depressed. But most importantly, for gun safety, a lot of dip shits with guns have zero idea what they are doing and are a danger to everyone even if they don’t intend to be. The same people that will argue up and down that mandatory gun safety is too far, will also argue that gun safety courses make guns safer and we should allow all guns because good people with guns train themselves and take it seriously. It’s usually just the mandatory part that bothers them.
I agree with the entire second half of your comment, from “pay teachers” to “end qualified immunity”. They aren’t mutually exclusive though.
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No, people don’t want to be banned or tracked for making certain types of statements that might be in violation of ToS(or local laws), so they dance around what they actually mean.
Lol no they do not. There is no ToS or even state/local laws in the USA that make it illegal to discuss owning firearms. The fuck are you on about? Reddit would have banned all the firearm subs a long time ago if this was the case. Lemmy users are mainly antigun, this isnt rocket science.
Your first comment in this chain is surprise about the up votes for support for armed self defense, you then insist that Lenny users don’t support gun ownership… Clearly Lemmy users support self defense. The push back I see comes from people bringing their assault rifles to do grocery shopping like some emotional support dog.
Also, an anti gun Queer person from ten years may have changed their stance by now as the situation gets more desperate. There’s no clear path for disarming every citizen and when even the State is directly hostile to your existence, you may decide that the safest path forward is to level the field.
Also, the ToS/laws comment is about what you may need a gun for that’s not exactly legal, but again, when the State makes your existence illegal, that stops being important.
The majority of lemmy users do not support gun ownership. This is just a flat out lie.
You can search for gun, and you’re flooded with heavily upvoted antigun rhetoric. Let’s stop pretending it’s even remotely progun.
I’m all for arming people, an minority is harder to oppress.
*citation needed
If your talking about the Meal Team Six posts, those people deserve ridicule.
Absolutely, but there isn’t a need for AI images like that when people already do that shit anyways. Those people absolutely get trashed even on the progun side of things. We love to make fun of them.