Like, I can drink out of this thimble deep
I think the only country that’s legit happened to was Iraq,
Usually it’s more about how traumatized the POWs captured by your country’s soldiers were. Unbroken being the major cinematic example, and all the stories about Senator McCain refusing early release and being tortured for it and the guy who blinked reports of torture out in morse code while reading a hostage statement in Vietnam being the more “stuff of legends” examples.
American Sniper is the only one I’ve seen where it’s about how some soldier who didn’t experience anything above the typical background humm of war felt about the whole thing.
Probably because being a US military troop is the least dangerous it’s ever been, so the major condition most troops will face isn’t death or permanent injury, but instead PTSD from having faced combat or Survivor’s guilt from having been suddenly shifted off the rare doomed mission or patrol that still claims casualties at the last second.
Most enlisted troops are just career workers in camo with a REALLY rigorous on the job fitness program. There’s a reason the US is everyone’s intel and logistics repository, and it’s because for every dollar spent on actually fighting, ten get spent on building up so much intelligence that the deck is as stacked as it can be before the cards even come out of the box to be dealt.
Edit: get not grt
I think the only country that’s legit happened to was Iraq,
M*A*S*H (Korea)
Jarhead (Iraq, but the first time)
Lone Survivor (Afghanistan)
The Men Who Stare at Goats (Guantanamo Bay Torture Facility in Cuba)
Letters from Iwo Jima (Pacific Theater - WW2)
Saving Private Ryan (European Theater - WW2)
Heartbreak Ridge (Grenada)
The Good Shepherd (Bay of Pigs Invasion, Cuba)
Full Metal Jacket (Vietnam)
Rambo (Vietnam)
Apocalypse Now (Vietnam)
We Were Soldiers (Vietnam)
Good Morning, Vietnam (Vietnam)
I don’t think you’ve seen some of these movies if you think it has anything to do with how sad it made them.
MASH is about saving war casualties and they make light of it all the while
Saving Priyate Ryan is a WW2 movie that happens whether or not Matt Damon is involved
Jarhead is an accurate portrayal of the Suck
Not sure what point OP is trying to make here
I don’t know about the others, but MAS*H seems to be heavily anti-war. Hawkeye obviously has deep contempt for the war and generals, and the more pro-war characters are decipted as insufferable pieces of shit.
Yes, because fucking Rambo of all movies is about how bad american soldiers felt about what they did.
Thanks for the laugh
This never gets old lol
It’s funny, but it’s not true.
It’s something like “the gallant people of Afghanistan” and always was.
It was on TV month ago and that screencap is how it read. I remembered because I commented my son about it.
Regional differences?
The English language version is here at 2:30
It’s not out of the question because Afghanistan were on our side back then, and by on our side, I mean America gave them weapons to fight the Russians, and then abandoned them immediately the second Russia gave up.
It’s just I’ve never seen any real evidence of it… It’s always just that one still which seems to be from a second or so before the real one.
The first Rambo was definitely about PTSD and how the act of killing fucks up American soldiers.
I think you’re confusing Rambo First Blood, which is about how fucked up he was after coming back from Vietnam, with the Rambo sequels, which are about how cool it is to blow stuff up.
Yes, it is, have you ever seen the movie? What a dumb comment.
Just to pick one, Jarhead is not repeat not a war film. It’s about the Suck and sometimes you train for training sake
Yes, because fucking Rambo of all movies is about how bad american soldiers felt about what they did.
Thanks for the laugh
Rambo is just dood in ban danna shooting musheen gun and holding big nife.
I’m just being a dick. I haven’t seen it since I was around 7 so that’s all it was for me haha.
It’s actually about how shitty US vets are treated by the US. But the pew-pew takes lead in the eyes of most viewers, yes.
I think the only country that’s legit happened to was Iraq,
Vietnam movies were usually either about POW experiences or about the absolute pointlessness of it all, which doesn’t really line up with “bombing your country and then making movies about how sad it made them”
I have literally never seen a depiction of Vietnam that was positive or shy of direct condemnation of how terrible it all was.
Seriously, even Forrest Gump’s innocent portrayal of it still managed to underline in bold that it was all pointless, needless, and cruel beyond reason.
I have literally never seen a depiction of Vietnam that was positive or shy of direct condemnation of how terrible it all was.
Seriously, even Forrest Gump’s innocent portrayal of it still managed to underline in bold that it was all pointless, needless, and cruel beyond reason.
Not sure what about any of that doesn’t line up with “sad”. None of those adjectives border on happy or nonchalant.
Because that’s not “made the soldiers sad” it’s “this entire thing was awful and a fucking crime.”
You’re trying to insist that media that would agree that it was a bad thing is exploitation media because…it agrees with you?
It honestly seems like you’re just trying to argue because you don’t like someone pointing out that the meme isn’t fully accurate to what war media actually looks like historically and even today to some extent.
No, I think the main point in contention is mostly just that the experience of the American GIs are always centered in these tellings of the stories to american audiences, and obviously that’s going to whitewash a lot of the history and context of a conflict and just transform it into “I got stationed in a random place I hated for a couple years and then I had to kill a bunch of people for reasons I didn’t understand while they tried to kill all my friends and then I got back home and got jack shit for it”. And then on top of that, those movies are going to be a lot about the psychological trauma that’s inflicting on those particular american GIs, and often, again, without a broader context of what system they’re placed into, it’s just sort of like, turned into sanitized hollywood melodrama, much like how they’ll sanitize any historical fiction into being oscar bait.
Obviously that’s not gonna really be the same experience as, say, some random guerilla fighter somewhere, or some random person who just lives in one of these places. About the only movies I can think of that actually attempted to expand on that particular perspective was good morning vietnam, where that’s touched on, but not explored, and maybe the breadwinner, which is a pretty good movie but also more just adjacent to what I’m talking about rather than directly in dialogue with it. I might be wrong on that one though, it’s been a while since I’ve seen it even though that movie is fucking good and you should watch it.
That’s my recommendation. Go watch “the breadwinner”.
How do you forget Vietnam…
I asked myself the same question in March of 2003
Drugs and alcohol, and lots of them.
As others have said there’s a bunch more, but the one that really grinds my gears is The Covenant
We really spent 20 years telling these terps they and their families would be safe, then just fucking left and made a MOVIE about that shitty bullshit underhanded move?
Put every single goddamn joint chief in front of congress and ask why this is a fictional tale
Honestly what gets me about evac failures and abandonments is the Berlin Airlift.
We had the logistics to mount a months long rescue operation that could get everyone fleeing out decades before these rushed withdrawals.
Everyone in Saigon and Kabul could have been gotten out, fuck we could have mounted a rolling evac bringing collaborators behind lines and transporting them in a trickle so that the last folks out are in a relatively empty air schedule. Expanding and contracting sphere, keep everyone who’s in it willingly behind the line so long as they willingly continue to move with it.
We go in get the resource then leave. Werner van Braun got a first class ticket to the US
Soldiers in the sandbox were playing COD on Xboxes in the hooch before going out to a real life version where people lived in bombed out huts, then promising if you work with us you’ll get a better life in America
The US military has many faults but logistics is not one. Every single terp and their cousin could be living in Milwaukee right now…but we fucking chose not to.
Pushing functional birds off a carrier deck to make room for people is the definition of Churchill’s quote. Americans will do the right thing after exhausting every other option.
This presupposes that every single person working to make change in their home is willing to just up and leave at a moments notice (or years in advance, which kind of undermines the entire motive to want to effect change, again in their home)
I’d imagine all but the densest motherfuckers on the face of the earth would see that the force standing between them and summary execution at best is calling the retreat and realize the value of being alive somewhere else vs dying on the patch of dirt you happened to feel the most attached to at that moment.
ten grt
Is this “ten are”, and a really bad typo? Or is grt some form of currency abbriviation I don’t get?
Ten get
the only country that’s legit happened to was Iraq
You better play dead homie, we make a lot of sequels
Tbf a lot of movies in America are subsidized by the army. If a movie plays in America and has army vehicles in then, check for them in the credits
Same with games like CoD. Fucking Activision has former CIA execs working for them. And how they use real events in the games and spin them around to make America look like the good guy.
Good guy might be generous.
CoD makes the US and her allies look like Hodor at the door. A big dumb idiot holding back the swarm.
Technically correct, but your comment makes it sound like the military is actively commissioning movies, which is not the case. When Hollywood wants to make historical or war movies, they have few options:
- Buy the equipment - one military ship or airplane can be more than the whole movie’s budget.
- Prop/CGI - may look bad and doesn’t guaranty to be cheaper.
- Get all the gear for free, loaned out from the military (including training and specialists) - but they get to edit and approve your script.
I wish there were more options for independent and critical movie makers.
The person you replied to said “subsidized”, which implies what you just explained. The US military provides support to movies and TVs. However, it would be naive to think that the military still doesn’t try to influence the production. It’s been a long time since I have listened to it but there was a podcast mentioning “Zero Dark Thirty” having influence from the CIA; and the movie is about justifying torture to get results for “the greater good”. This is in spite of the report commissioned during the Obama era that torture never yielded any significant results.
“Actively Commissioning” and “Subsidizing” are two different contexts. Your points are all accurate, but commissioning a movie means actually going out and saying, “we want this movie, and will pay/provide resources to it in order for it to get done”, versus “your doing a movie with military, we’ll provide resources in compensation for a meddlers credit”.
just another reason to love animation
To be fair… to whom?
Originally a Frankie Boyle joke?
Yep, the wording here is slightly different (worse)
I was just checking the replies to see if someone beat me. Pretty sure I saw him say it on mock the week like 15 years ago
On the other hand, it’s the safest and the most relateable way to bring it to the table.
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As an American I don’t think America would want to bomb my country to oblivion /s Edit: did not realize I need a /s so much
that’s because they don’t need to; you already have the congress and the supreme court for that.
Maybe not the whole country but we’ve taken out cities.
And entire neighborhoods, but it’s totally okay because those were “poor” (aka majority black/Hispanic)
The cops investigated themselves, so we know it was a legitimate bombing and not some kind of hate crime disguised as excessive force.
Here’s the ------> /s <------- since I know some people who unironically believe things like this.
Operation Rolling Thunder. Had some agent orange and napalm sprinkled on top too.
Uhhhh… you DO realize Republicans have been screeching about a new civil war for years, right?
There is a HUGE portion of this country that would ABSOLUTELY bomb their neighbors if they could get away with it. A civil war might not destroy everything, but that’s only happening to the Palestinians. The US is too big to repeat that travesty.
You realize America has bombed itself multiple times as well right?
Wait til you find oil there 😋
* stares at California and Texas *
A lot of people believe that’s what 9/11 was.
That’s what handguns and assault rifles are for!
You don’t want to know where the first bombing mission the US military took place then.
for now
That’s exactly what they want you to think! Muahhahah
Seriously though… It’s not REALLY the US that’s doing these things… It’s the global oligarchy… They just use American soldiers because we were the only ones left with any after WW2 and it stuck. The oligarchy has no allegiance to any country or people and would absolutely bomb the shit out of America if it profited them.
[Citation needed]
My citation is I’m making a sarcastic joke
Tell that Trump. Maybe not with bombs, but there are other methods.
And you’ll pay top dollar to watch it on opening weekend.
and then they retire there.
The film Civil War is basically America capitalising on its own imminent self-destruction.
america, home of the crybully industrial complex
That’s one of the things I like about the movie Three Kings. They make no excuse about who invaded who and who was ripping off who.
So should we not make films that show how fucked up specific wars are?
I think it’s probably pretty rare that the military leaders who executed the war operations also make the movies about them…
It would be better to have war crimes trials to show how fucked up specific wars are.
Being able to make movies showcasing your past crimes is not a sign of a healthy society…
Again, this is not the government typically making these movies. It’s artists which are horrified by war.
I think the point of these movies are to inform the public of the brutality of war, and how shitty our government can be. It’s purpose is to shine a light on it, which I do think is pretty useful. Otherwise, most of us may not have known about it, and would have a very different/heavily filtered view of our government.
deleted by creator
We: filmmakers
Their goals: shine a light on how fucked war is. I cannot actually remember watching a war movie that didn’t make me deeply saddened by the brutality. Apocalypse now is a perfect example.