Is there a maximum theoretical file size for a gender?
Yes, 10MB, apparently.
That’s only for that puny site. I’m referring to something more akin to the information theoretic computer science concept of maximum gender file size, where you can’t add in any more gender before the amount of information turns into a black hole.
Absolute minimum? 12
Planck’s gender
The human genome is 200 gigabytes, but that only includes the biological sex. The average human brain can apparently store about 2500 terabytes, so about 2500.2 TB. This assumes that all genomes and neurons have an effect because you did ask for the maximum.
2**64 genders ought to be enough for anybody.
Pronouns are rip/tear
Dammit you stole my joke lol
our joke, comrade ☭
(zip bomb that decompresses into a …Yuge file.)
Do you have an alternative to the Twitter link?
That’s only the shareware version. Full DOOM took like 8 floppies.
Nah it was 4 disks for the original 3 episodes. Doom 2 was 5, iirc
8 floppies? You need to pump those numbers up!
One of these days I’m going to find the backups for all of the .WAD files I got from random ass FTP sites in the early days of the Internet and I will die of nostalgia.
If you can’t find your backups, perhaps most of them are (linked from) here
That is a rabbit hole I’m not going anywhere near a few hours before I have to go to work!
My next day off is going to be fun, though!
Dang there’s a part of me that wants to be Doom
If you upload it enough times your gender can be the doom song