Pope Francis: ”Today the ugliest danger is gender ideology, which cancels out differences … Erasing differences is erasing humanity.”
St. Paul: ”There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Jesus Christ.”
Came here looking for someone to have quoted this. I quote it to bigots all the time and it straight pisses them off.
I used it in a wedding between two men that I officiated.
Good use for it! My best friend is a former Baptist preacher who still occasionally preaches at different churches, and he likes to use it whenever that comes up.
Mind if I ask if it was a religious ceremony?
Not really, but both grooms gave me a verse to read and they pretty much gave me carte blanche for the rest of the ceremony.
I love the idea of an officiant with total free reign. “You may now kiss… The grooms mother on the cheek. … Just playing, y’all. They gonna dance. Dance, boys!”
Tell that to a slave, but I get the sentiment.
It’s a message of how things should be, not how things are.