Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick claimed that most seniors would not complain if Social Security checks were missed, suggesting that only “fraudsters” would object.
His remarks sparked backlash as Social Security is a critical income source for millions, including 15% of women and 12% of men over 65 who rely on it for 90% of their income.
Amid rising concerns, Maryland Judge Ellen Lipton Hollander criticized acting SSA head Lee Dudek for threatening to cut IT access, escalating fears of disruptions.
“Only fraudsters will complain”
I smell a “no true Scotsman” fallacy here.
It’s laying the groundwork for “if you complain we’ll take your benefits away completely, because you’re a fraudster” instead.
Oh, he’s STUPID stupid, got it.
No, he’s malicious.
Not saying he isn’t that too, just that his take is bafflingly stupid.
never attribute to stupidity, that which can be attributed to malice.
Seniors could be dying of hunger on state capitol steps and they would be saying “it’s just a few bodies, they were old anyway”
See also: COVID-19 response under Trump
indeed. republicans do not care.
Texas’ lieutenant governor suggests grandparents are willing to die for US economy
I wish we could say that about Donald and the rest of the old fucks in Congress
This is how you know they have reached escape velocity and know they will never face another election.
But they might face people’s justice instead.
If they were to stop SS checks, they would lose so many voters that no Republican would ever be elected to any office anywhere.
Which is why we know that since they are actually talking about this, they dont need those votes, because they dont intend to ever have a fair election again, or maybe no elections at all.
I’m not sure anything would pry them away from the GOP.
Seriously, just seeing all the rural Town halls that overwhelmingly voted against their own interests, chanting things that run directly counter to their own votes.
Yes because that’s what boomers are known for. Not complaining.
Man, they even complain about it when it isn’t even relevant.
The number of times I’ve heard “blah blah blah, my social security is my investment, blah blah blah, take it over our dead bodies, and we’ll leave no inheritance behind” is too damn high
They won’t be able to complain because you’ve turned off all the phones and shut down most of the SSA branches.
CORRECTION: You won’t HEAR them complain.
So he hopes they just starve and die quietly?
That’s what they want for all of us who aren’t “productive”.
It’s obvious from this if it weren’t already that Lutnick has never worked in a customer-facing position.
I really want to see how that would play out in rural America so desperately.
Seriously, this is the find out stage that rural America has been asking for for years, and surprisingly avoided so far.
I have a relative that lives off social security. They have no other income will literally die quickly without social security. So yeah I guess they can’t complain if they are dead can they.
Donald: some of you may die. But that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.
'Where did you get all the money?” “The Government. I didn’t earn it, I don’t need it. But if they miss one payment, I’ll raise hell!”
- Grampa Simpson
But he DID earn social security
Well Grampa Simpson more then likely didn’t need social security because of the pension he received after working 30yrs as a night watchmen at the cranberry silo.
according to this survey: in 2023 only 64% of retired people age 65+ received any income from pensions. I can’t he but think that number is probably inflated as they note “Sources of income include the income of a spouse or partner.”
Yeah people love it when you fuck with their money