sad but almost certainly going to be true soon enough :/
sad but almost certainly going to be true soon enough :/
only if you’re rich like fuckerberg. If you’re a poor person, straight to the execution chamber
lolno. Fuckerberg won’t see the inside of a prison cell. He’s what we like to call in the law industry, “rich”
the problem is the helmets do jack shit to prevent TBIs. A TBI is when the brain hits the skull. A helmet will do jackshit to stop that.
you mean of course, to put the US on top, right. #USANumber1
/s of course, if it wasn’t obvious
and the trillionaires will soon take over!
I assume you mean they’ll be simply shot in the street?
it’s actually quite a bit more expensive to execute someone than to house them for life.
Much to the surprise of many who, logically, would assume that shortening someone’s life should be cheaper than paying for it until natural expiration, it turns out that it is actually cheaper to imprison someone for life than to execute them. In fact, it is almost 10 times cheaper! One might ask, “how can that be?”
source: https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/which-is-cheaper-execution-or-life-in-prison-without-parole-31614
Every epidemic we’ve had has been zoological. SARS, AIDS, MERS, Covid, etc. Why don’t we… i dunno… not farm animals? Nah, that’s too logical
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what if i watched THREE youtube videos?
drumpf will probably illegally get elected again.
The day I’m forced to watch YouTube ads is the day I never use it again
Well, yes, a teacher. The highly qualified in mental conditions/developmental conditions. Very much known for their training in psychiatry
Nope. I don’t pay for it, and I don’t get ads.
Why ten mins? Do they only paid if they make it ten mins or longer?
Oh God it’s me… I’m old now.
it’ll happen to you too!
they may be telling children to care about others, but only as far as “fuck you, i got mine”
Australia did this in the… 90s? I wanna say 90s. We had 1c and 2c coins, but they decided it was costing too much to produce them. So they phased them out gradually I think.