This guy needs to eat a lot more roadkill
This guy already has a body count and he will kill and kill again.
Autism Speaks and similar organizations are fucking monstrous. They sell false hope, blame the groups that should be trusted, and encourage people to leave their kids vulnerable to lethal but totally preventable diseases/viruses/etc.
They’re as bad as any terrorist group if you ask me. Truly the worst groups in the US.
Fwiw, Autism Speaks eventually shifted their official position and they now endorse vaccination, and no longer fund research trying to find/prove non-existent links between vaccines and autism.
He wasn’t in power then. I’m fine with screwballs testing to the system to keep it honest. Now he’s about to be head of the Department of Health & Human Services. That is deeply concerning.
Wtf happened to his skin? When you look like that you don’t get to talk about health, get healthcare yourself first. He looks like he literally got roasted
14 years of heavy heroin addiction leaves a toll. Kudos for him for getting clean, but also its reasonable to think that massive iv drug use at a young age causes developmental deficits.
I’ve worked with a lot of people who have chronically abused opioids. None of them look like this guy. I suspect it’s chronic, heavy smoking plus a horrible, horrible diet. And maybe using some comedically nonsensical, quacky health ‘supplements’ of some kind.
That would count as attempted murder in thousands of cases.
What was RFK’s end game? Watching a large slice of doctors, nurses, and respiratory therapists die off?
The insidious piece here is that healthcare was COVID vaccine prioritized and thus the biggest beta test ever. A 2-for-1 special of sorts. Happily, that beta test worked out. At this point the testing sample and time frame is robust, and the tech used for the COVID vaccine has led to an experimental cancer vaccine. The man needs to chill and let science keep hold of the wheel. The vaccine kept the bulk of the healthcare industry working instead of quitting. Hospitals stayed open because the vaccine promised a modicum of safety for staff they otherwise would not have had.
In RFK’s version of the pandemic timeline, hospitals shut down due to lack of staff, healthcare worker losses (from quitting, noping out, illness, and death) soar, and people suffocate to death at home in a horrific state of panic. RFK would likely make an appearance on Joe Rogan to say that an all natural organic death at home is preferable to vaccines.
I don’t think he has one. He’s one of those people convinced of their rightness and will see it through no matter the suffering it causes, no matter the demonstrable harm he has already done. In a sane world this kook bastard would be laughed at and ignored, minimizing his ability to harm anyone. Or better yet charged with culpable homicide. Instead he’ll put in a position that allow him to harm EVERYONE.
In a fair world he would get punched in the jaw every time he said something anti-human and without a shred of kindness while trying to speak on behalf of others, especially after he helped cause an outbreak in Samoa that killed nearly 100 people.
As far as endgame, he presumably is a true believer.
As to letting “science take the wheel”, given the stakes it makes sense but the largest medical experiment in history is a frightening concept.
Particularly for folks that lived when they DDTed the hell out of everything, or when doctors would lobotomize or electroshock people for mildly inconveniencing their family, or eugenics programs that went and sterilized “undesirables”. Some skepticism of “science” can be expected.
The thing is these people bake in their mindset when they are relatively young and do not adjust to account for improvements or for the dire contexts.
What was RFK’s end game?
What do you think goes on in the mind of someone with a dead brain worm?
Sometimes, the simplest answer is the most plausible answer.
And yet. Trump looked at RFK, considered his pandemic presidency, then said this is the guy I want to go wild on healthcare this term.
What happened is that a lot of competent folks who worked with Trump before don’t want to work with him anymore. So he is left scraping for the bottom of the barrel to appoint as government officials.
If I was a brain worm that had taken control of a US politician, the first thing I would do is say that the worm is dead.
I hear the brain worm died because it starved
Gonna be an interesting few years if you get another pandemic. The man is batshit.
If WE get another pandemic, comrade!
I voted against this bullshit. Ugh.
RFK jr. is an example of how ignorance is in itself a great evil.
That man looks like a chicken nugget
No he does not look delicious, okay?!
Is he turning orange now too?
[read in the tone of a comic book]. Once upon a time, RFK jr was a normal government bootlicker. Then one day he was bitten by a radioactive donald and became SUPER SPREADER!!! A masked hero fighing against common sense medicine and validatable science.
Does remind me of the Republican blonde stereotype
There is a minimum required amount of bronzer you’re required to apply to be accepted into the MAGA leadership. See also the transformation Ron DeSantis pulled.
Welcome to MAGA, here’s your starter kit which includes a 1-month supply of bonzer, coupons valid to purchase food a McDonald’s and a scalpel to remove any empathy you may still have in you.
I still love seeing that pic of him with the fast food.
Someone needs to put that together with the theme music from Curb Your Enthusiasm…like they did with Christie:
Deep (tan) state
Maybe bronzer is the baptismal water that high-level cult members must be submerged in, before they can be confirmed?
Colloidal silver… It does things to you.
That makes people blue
More of a creepy magenta.
What a fucking stupid period of history to live through
Shouldn’t have wished to live in more interesting times.
If only the times we lived in were actually interesting instead of boring, tedious, and deadly.
Even the rockets and global satellite internet thing that objectively is kind of awesome is completely ruined by just having the worst people involved. Although I guess it’s classic USA to have your rockets being built by Nazis.
"Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down?
That’s not my department, " says Wernher von Braun.
Just wanted to point out how awesome Tom Lehrer (wikipedia) is as a musician/satirist/teacher as well as just a decent human – he relinquished all copyright ownership over his music catalog and currently* has his songs, sheet music and lyrics available for free download at
Here’s the link to Wernher Von Braun where the parent lyrics come from.
*At the bottom of the homepage is the note:
Eh, I’m done thinking rockets are awesome. We’re busy burning the one planet we have down and we’re not learning enough in my opinion from space science to be justifying the pollution it creates. The Starlink satellites are creating way more space junk than we need and risk creating a Kessler syndrome.
We can worry about space when we’ve handled climate change and mass extinction and topsoil depletion and so on. Until then, it’s just wasting fucking time and energy.
Yeah, I’m leaning towards the same, even though I loved all this space stuff as a kid. Not wanting to sound overly dramatic, but it’s like seeing Musk stealing your childhood or something like that.
The Starlink satellites are creating way more space junk than we need and risk creating a Kessler syndrome.
Sorta good news on that front. Starlink satellites are in such a low orbit that without regular boosting of their orbit they re-enter in short measure. The bad news is that means there are hundreds of pounds of e-waste re-entering and burning up on a regular basis and there have been studies suggesting it’s damaging the ozone layer.
What this reminds me of is all the fucking weirdoes, scam artists, racists, and conspiracy theorists that came to prominence during Obama’s campaign and during his two terms, being put in office as donvict’s revenge against smart people that laughed at him. Donvict looked around at things like Failin’ Palin and Michele Bachmann and the circus of the teabaggers and thought - “I want people like those people to have power”
Remember Orly Taitz? A podcast I listened to did a “where are they now?” on that clown, and she is still alive. I’m surprised dipshit donvict didn’t give her a role in his maladministration. My guess is that she was more or less laughed off the TV at some point and donvict forgot about her, but donvict, who engaged in the exact same birther bullshit, was given a platform, so he bullshitted his way into office on white male anger over the fact that Obama got TWO terms and no, he wasn’t a “Kenyan usurper”.
When stupid meets power, everybody loses. Usually except the rich.
Good luck America, the lunatics are running the asylum and that’s not going to be good for anyone.
pRoSeCuTe fAuCi
What a bunch of fuckin rubes, we just put all the people who should be prosecuted in charge.
America always does the right thing. After it has tried everything else.
Unfortunately there is an infinite amount of “everything else”.
I love a good quote from a genocidal imperialist that believes in Aryan race theory.
Stupid Churchill and his stupid “wit” and “charisma” making him so goddamn quotable
While it’s often attributed to Churchill, it most likely originated from Abba Eban.
Imagine a world where this asshat managed to hold up the lifesaving vaccination. The fact that donvict killed more Americans than anyone else in history infuriates me as it is, but the fact that dickhead thinks he has standing for something like this. Just the fucking balls. The sense of fucking baseless entitlement …JFC.