Mr. President, a second Taylor Swift is on the way to the 60th floor
See this is why she doesn’t want us tracking the jet.
You win
“Sir, a second meme has hit the twin towers”
This will be a nice, chill thread
Fun fact Taylor was 11 years old when this picture was taken.
Damn even as a kid she used her plane to get everywhere?
Probably. Her father is rich.
The natural evolution of these memes.
Coming in hot
Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams. But Taylor can.
Her carbon footprint melted my heart fo’ sho’
Is this recent?
If you consider 2001 recent, then yeah
About 22 and half year ago
Ooof, my knees 💀
My back!
No. If you zoom in you can see jpeg (jay-pegh) artifact. It’s like rings on a tree and can help experts date internet photos.
That P stands for “photographic” so that’s (jay-fegh)
Definitely too soon /s
Hey look it’s Taylor Swift’s squid
The roof is on fire cause she’s burnin’ it down.
This should be re-titled to: “Taylor Swift flying into the World Trade Center, because the elevator ride to the top is a bit slower”.
Damn, conservatives are really out in full force.
What a weird reach. You can be liberal and critical of a billionaire like Taylor Swift.
I wouldn’t assume this is the work of a conservative ha
Billionaires bad is a leftist take, dummy
Conservatives don’t care that she’s blowing gas on planes. They think she’s somehow manipulating the election