Maybe we become more extreme in our existing beliefs. My political compass position drifted right from bottom left as I hit my thirties. After the Iraq invasion of 2003 and recessions following 2008 it swung back towards Ghandi. I became convinced that conservative politics isn’t working in my late forties and that has only been reinforced as I try to access the creaking UK healthcare system.
Android cannot know who is scrolling but it does know it is connected to a car. The obvious solution is to disconnect it from the car in order to scroll through the app. It’s completely insane to use a phone while driving and that’s the origin of the message. Attempting to subvert that mechanism is asking for trouble.
What’s the difference between Batman and Blackman? Batman can go to the store without Robin.
Based and redpilled scientists
An institution like the EU is always going to be vulnerable to bigots and idiots in large numbers. The EU is also often viewed as an impediment to big business. Their values are not the same and I’m glad about that.
An extinct civilisation called Heetzah Putt, rumoured to be near the lost city of Atlantis.
First past the post duopolies are not serious democracies.
Google search is still pretty good although definitely not what it was in its ad-free heyday. That you would go to the trouble of complaining about it is incomprehensible, given the plethora of credible alternatives.
Step 1. Make an AI that hoovers up content.
Step 2. When owners of content complain about privacy violations and copyright infringement, allay their fears. This AI is for the Good of Humanity.
Step 3. ???
Step 4. Profit.
Richest country in history cannot afford to maintain its infrastructure or healthcare for its citizenry.
Is water the best choice for a chemical fire?
Hand tools are spiritual in a way that machine tools will never be. I love the texture and heft of planes. The simplicity and quiet operation. Working with timber and steel is one of the greatest pleasures in life.
Wehrmacht was not a Nazi organisation. Members were free to join the party but they were not under any obligation. The SS was an explicitly Nazi army but completely separate from the Wehrmacht.
German people were compelled to ‘support the troops’ in the same way that Americans are compelled to support their many illegal invasions of sovereign territory. The British continue to build and operate colonial era warships. The main difference is they were on the winning side, lmao, etc.
It’s not welcome news to hear he was a fascist but it doesn’t change his contribution to knowledge much less imbue the diagnosis of people with the condition.
Will we be able to fry ants with it?
Yahoo, the cowboys of journalism.
You are a gigachad that lives in the future.
From the outside it’s not obvious how many variables influence scientific research that have absolutely nothing to do with science or the pursuit of knowledge and truth.
Being scientifically literate is insufficient. We must also be highly sceptical and apply critical thinking to the work of other scientists, particularly when large sums of money are involved and the inevitable conflicts of interest that entails.
People with money are able to fund research but they will never be scientists because they are only interested in what is true to the extent it will make money.
Also never underestimate American fragility.