“don’t agree with trans people” on what topic? which star trek is best? emacs vs vim? coffee vs tea?
finish the fucking sentence, asshole
Could be worse, they could be part of the “I don’t believe in (insert verifiable fact)” crowd.
Literally just replace “trans” with any other queer identity and see how that sound you bozo.
Bi and Ace erasure are sadly pretty common… (not a competition or anything, just saying)
Well it’s likely that such a fuckwad, does have his issues with Bi people as well.
Tbf I also sometimes disagree with trans people. For example my cute friend told me that red is not my color and she is so wrong about that? Like??
The smug “stay home with MY BOYFRIEND WHO IS A BOY AND I AM A BOY” after already saying he’s gay was a real cherry on top
It’s amazing how people in general can have no empathy for who are discriminated against even if they themselves were discriminated against.
I will never understand why any gay person would ever be transphobic.
Like…??? You do understand that people have used many of the exact same arguments against trans rights as they’ve done to suppress gay rights too… right?
Same way so many gay people are racist too or that you have so many classist or ableist gays. People just often don’t care about what doesn’t affect them. Hypocrisy is common as hell in humanity. We’re all guilty of it to some extent, usually though it’s very minor and in the background. But whether it’s big or small people often ignore their own hypocrisies. This shit is just blatant in the gay community. I think they do have the self-awareness of realizing the same arguments are used against them. They just don’t care.
Transphobic gay men are sadly common. I think some of them think that getting rid of us will make it easier for them to be accepted.
There’s a lot of gross and uncomfortable discourse about the way cis gay men treat trans gay men as well. My boyfriend and I were talking about some nasty shit that went down on Survivor…
Oh no, for some of them it’s totally different. Also there is a lot of homophobia inside the homosexual circles. Couldn’t believe it myself, but sometimes if you don’t look or act like the cliche or like common homosexual stuff like music or movies, you’re an imposter and not really gay. Saw it happen myself at a lesbian party. Two girls just looking female were bullied cause it’s “not lesbian” for a couple to be both female looking, that’s just two best friends being confused. “It’s just a phase” is a thing I heard quite a lot that evening. Never knew you signed up for a membership with rules and stuff when you’re “entering” the LG area. Just thought if you only like women as a woman you’re lesbian and same for men only liking men, but it seems that’s not the case.
Yeah… ugh. I know there’s a lot of biphobia (and, as OP mentioned, racism/ableism/classism) in the community, too, which is equally fucking absurd. I guess being queer doesn’t necessarily mean you’re any less of an ignorant asshole.
The same reason why women can be misogynistic. They think they’re one of the “good ones” and #notlikeothergays
Like they’ve forgotten that leopards ate their face too
Bisexual bias from an ex boyfriend of mine. Believed I would leave him for a girl constantly.
Same idea.
Guy was tranphobic too because it finally gave him a chance to be a bully instead of the bullied.
Fucking sociopaths
Acceptance for me but not for the?
I’m not surprised about this at all. There are gay republicans after all.
The worst kinds of people honestly
Had to explain that to my gay son that there was gay Trump supporters and he was stunned.
These cowards need to finish the fucking sentence. "don’t agree"with what exactly? Their right to exist?
I’m pretty sure he implied that “getting fucked” was his backup plan. Also, that guy can go eat shit.
something something first brick at stonewall
As a bi person who does support trans people, I dislike pride parades b/c they make us all look bad. Now what?
Don’t go to them. Seems simple.
Edit: Let me make this make sense for the people who are so eager to downvote one of their own. Let’s say you attend an endangered whale conservation group, but data shows the group’s actions (due to a few careless individuals) have actually led to more whale deaths than it has prevented. Then your response to someone critiquing you is “then don’t join the group”? You see how that is unproductive, if not morally reprehensible?
This condescending attitude is the same type of exclusionary BS that got us into needing pride parades in the first place, you know.
“Don’t think like me? You’re not welcome here. We cannot accommodate a diversity of perspectives. It’s our way or the highway.”
And liberals wonder why right wingers accuse them of being fascists.
I don’t like parades…
Well, then don’t go to them.
In seriousness, I don’t think that the person you were replying to was saying “You’re excluded.” They were trying to say “Okay, you don’t like them and think they shouldn’t happen. In that case, don’t go to them and don’t support them.” You’re not obligated to like the same things that the rest of the LGBT community likes. That seems pretty reasonable and the opposite of fascism.
In fact, I’d say you are perfectly within your rights to vocally express your distaste for Pride parades. It’s reasonable to find them distasteful while still supporting the LGBT community. You could also voice what you dislike about them and what you’d like to see change so that they better support what you’d like them to achieve for the community. I don’t think that you’d be within your rights to actually stop the parades from happening, just like I don’t think others would be within their rights to force you to attend.
Edit: Clearly none of you have ever heard of Horseshoe theory. Try reading a little before spouting harmful opinions on the Internet.
Did I say it was fascist to say “Don’t go”? No I said implying that it’s fine to exclude everyone who thinks differently, is an example of why right wingers accuse left leaning folks (who tend not to be fascists), of being fascists.
The point being that disengaging from potentially productive dialog with potential allies for arbitrary reasons, while not fascism, tends to lead to the perception of strict, unwavering, inerrant ideology, which looks very similar on the surface.
If there are 5 gays, 1 bi, and 1 trans person on an island of straight people, I believe they should all try to see past each other’s differences in order to unite for their common advancement, rather than saying “oh you don’t like how we do it? then don’t go”
Not everyone in any community is going to agree on the correct methods of achieving common goals. You’re free to try to change how the community’s approach. You’re free to try to build your own approach. You’re also free to decide whether you want to participate or not.
I don’t see how any of that excludes anyone, disengages from productive dialogue, or leads to right-wingers thinking that left-wingers are fascists.
You are talking about disengaging from dialogue, but I don’t see you actually engaging in it yourself. You stated “I dislike Pride parades”, then said it is exclusionary to suggest that you maybe could just choose not to attend. What I didn’t see you say until well after my original comment is what you would like to see changed about the parades or engaging with others about how that might be achieved.
What? You said you don’t like pride parades and the response was “don’t go then”. Not everything is for everyone.
Do you want everyone who enjoys pride parades to change them to specifically cater to you?
Lol no. I think that agreeing on higher standards for what kind of clothing and actions are not acceptable in public parades, would go a long way toward actually helping the LGBT+ community gain acceptance rather than hurting our image.
We will never “gain acceptance” by dressing and acting the way conservatives want us to.
Remember, these people are absolutely willing to define “being trans near children” as a sex crime. Our existence, to them, is a sick deviant perverted sex act. Two men holding hands in public is “grooming children”.
When you draw these lines between the “acceptable queers” and everyone else, all you’re doing is putting yourself inside of a shrinking circle. That circle will eventually shrink to the point where even you, the acceptable queer, no longer fit inside it, because our entire existence is fundamentally unacceptable to them. And when that happens, there will be no one else left to stand in solidarity with you.
I never drew that line, you did for your strawman argument. Typical lib response tbh. I never said there are “acceptable queers” and “not acceptable queers”. I said we need to have standards for what is considered acceptable in the context of public parades.
Conservatives are willing to define “being trans near children” as a sex crime, mostly b/c of the lies and misconceptions they get told/reinforced by conservative politicians and pastors about LGBT+, would you agree?
And what do you think those politicians and pastors use as “evidence” that we are all sexual deviants? If you think images and photos of sexual behavior at Pride parades is not one of them, you’re mistaken. It’s a public display, and it’s easy for them to say “why aren’t these people classified as sex offenders for doing such heinous acts in public?”
I stated a simple fact: pride parades currently hurt our image. People in this thread can’t seem to accept that.
And, yet, a lot of us don’t give a shit if parades hurt our image with the cishets. Pride is for us. We could all show up wearing Mennonite clothing…overalls for mascs and androgynes and ankle length denim skirts for femmes…no flags, no banners, no music, no dancing, no PDA, no hand holding, nothing…just a bunch of queers in modest clothing going for a walk on a Saturday afternoon, and there would still be a large contingent of conservative cishets who would take offense just because we dare to exist outside.
The whole lot of them can get fucked.
Yep. Just send your kids instead
I have the same opinion. Pride parades often hurt the public image of the LGBT community. At least ban the leather fetish shit.
Someone else once said that they love humans, just ban all jews.
Leather is only a fetish because some people decided that it is. There is nothing inherently wrong with leather.
Ban leather fetish? You are the definition of ignorance. That is what is hurting the public image. Do you also go to a rave and tell them to dress differently? All that neon clothing is hurting your eyes? Or to any demo with people dressing as unicorns?
You underestimate the public. Who cares about leather? We care about people being ignorant dicks, about people who are obnoxious and about people who are trying to harm others. Not leather.
There is no difference between a business suit, a nipple piercing, a mini-skirt or a gag-ball. The person wearing those are what counts.
People trying to ban others, that’s just sad. As long as decency laws are obeyed, who are you to judge? Fetish only exists because of ignorance. Otherwise, they would be hobbies.
Lmao can you even hear yourself speak?
Try walking up to a conservative asking for their acceptance while wearing a nipple piercing, a leather strap-on and a gag ball, and see how they respond…
idk why you’re getting downvoted tbh https://www.theonion.com/gay-pride-parade-sets-mainstream-acceptance-of-gays-bac-1819566014
Oh man, that’s not the gotcha you think it is, The Onion is a satire site, they’re actually parodying opinions like yours, did you even read this so called proof? You certainly didn’t check the authenticity of the website in question.
Not even that far down was an obvious give away: “The parade, organized by the Los Angeles Gay And Lesbian And Bisexual And Transvestite And Transgender Alliance (LAGALABATATA)”
Onion article or not it’s a 2001 post, which says a lot in it’s own right.
You’re right, we should all stop watching George Carlin b/c he’s been dead since 2008. Nothing he says could be relevant anymore, right?
How was the gay rights movement back then? If memory serves correctly, not great!!
And how is the LGBT+ movement doing today?
Hmm, let’s see… the ACLU reports 479 anti-LGBT bills currently being considered to be passed as laws in the U.S. in 2024.
Maybe, just maybe, it’s time to wake the fuck up and realize the current strategy is NOT 👏 FUCKING 👏 WORKING 👏
Wake up and smell the flowers, because they’re still growing on the fresh graves of my murdered trans friends.