😂 🤣 😂 🤣
You go Canada!!!
I fucking love Canada!!!
Certainly has more balls/spine than any member of US legislature!!
👏 👏
As a sad Coloradan I’m sending my hugs and encouragement (and money) to Canada. Keep fucking going!!!
Not just tariffs. They also apparently bought a bunch of teslas, parked them in empty parking lots, any tried to collect the rebates…
Tesla better hope the vandals behind recent attacks on its cars and showrooms don’t watch the news, because hundreds of Model 3s and Model Ys parked up together sounds like a dream come true for protestors. We’ve asked Tesla—who famously disbanded its press team in the US—about the lots full of cars, but so far, we haven’t received a response.
Lol at the author basically saying “anyone wanna burn this shit down?”
“Parked up together” eh? Wink wink 😉 🔥 🔥 🔥
You would think there would be more infighting between musk and trump since this is just literally musk trying to get federal dollars, but I guess that was the point all along
You would think you might have noticed in the title that it says Canada but I guess you don’t even need to read a headline to form an opinion anymore.
Remember the fire triangle (fuel, heat, oxygen)? Well, now it’s the fire tetrahedron: Fuel, heat, oxygen, chemical reaction. Fun fact: lithium-ion batteries produce all four if they reach a shockingly low temperature (lower than the boiling point of water ;)
Or a comment even
That’s why the coroner’s report for the people that died in teslas says “sous vide’ed to death (low temperature)”
Ha ha ha ha ha. Get fucked Musk you pathetic fucking shit stained Nazi.
May you get the worst most painful incurable type of cancer!!
i hope he has aneurism after aneurism after aneurism
I usually just hope people have painful rectal itch.
Bravo! This American loves all the shade you guys are throwing south. Give us hell and then some. Fuck this place.
Nice try fucker.
Sieg Heiling Space Karen has consequences to face.
Thank you, Canada.
The disrespect by not even mentioning his name at all in the article is absolutely amazing.
Could not happen to a nicer Nazi.
Love it!
Ha ha!
Paywall. Anything else that’s good to know? Are these rebates paid to customers or more to the business?
There is another comment with a link to the non-paywalled article
Translation: “I’m to lazy to learn how to use the modern Internet, could anyone else do it for me?”
Imagine: you could have passed this comment by and it would have cost you literally nothing. Instead you chose to be a dick AND not answer the question, so instead your contribution is a net loss For everyone!
There’s no need to be rude, dude
Hmmm we are a salty salamander, aren’t we?
Shan on