Who holds soup like that?
Someone obviously was the younger sibling. Didn’t even get entrusted to hold the family soup.
MoooOOOOOMMMMMM! Deceptichum is teasing me!
We have Deceptichum at home.
Jesus turned a ramekin of chimichurri into a can of Campbell’s soup, but the Vatican is hiding those documents.
Marketing people.
Sail the ship
Chop the tree
Jump the rope
Punch Naziiiiiiiiiiis
(All together now)
I like the cut of your jib
Is the poop deck really what I think it is
The poop deck is named after the French “poupe,” or stern. It comes from the Latin “puppis,” which also means the stern of a ship. It’s used as an observation deck by commanding officers to see that the crew on the lower decks are doing their jobs.
I mean, punching is good and all, but for most people I recommend a good strike with the heel of your hand. Like so. The reason? Not many people train enough (like, come one, who actually trains to punch regularly?) to prevent the wrist rolling during the strike of a punch, and it both weakens the strike and can injure your wrist. It’s also a naturally tough area (there are only two places on the body with ‘thick’ skin: the palms and the soles) and the impact is transferred onto larger bones covered in that thick skin, rather than onto the knuckles (i.e., vulnerable joints) covered by thin skin that just loves to split open.
Go try it now against a door frame. See how hard you can hit with each.
It’s also nice that the injury from hitting someone with the heel of the hand isn’t as obvious as from hitting with the knuckles.
Aye, and that plays into the part I forgot to mention: the optics. Imagine a typical confrontation between two people, a various amount of other folks nearby. Maybe it’s at a bar, maybe it’s at a park, maybe it’s in the street with large riots going on around you. Who do you view as the aggressor immediately, on the one hand, a fellow, hands balled, in a pugilistic stance or wildly swinging, or the other one who has his hands up in front of him, palms facing outwards? Little things like that matter if it ever goes to court, and are super important if the police show up initially.
The good ol Palm Strike
That’s a good kitty, as I pet the kitty. “no, I’m evil kitty, says evil kitty”
Slap ass?? PLEASE
Yeah, OK, bent over.
Campbell’s canned inflation metric
Eat the rich?
Bon appetit
I’ll save this bit for the future.
The entire time I was reading this meme I thought something NSFW would come up.
Did the soup already get mentioned?