This is the most I have ever enjoyed reading an apple variety review.
Not sure how the fuck Lucy Glo and Sugarbee outranked Cosmic Crisp. Running a produce department has proven both apples to be extemely unpopular, and I’ve tried to promote them for a couple of years now since they hit the market. They’re just not good apples. People don’t even buy them after samples. Meanwhile Cosmic and Honeycrisp reign supreme, with Pink Lady coming after. Gala and McIntosh are still loved by the elderly and normies. But Sugarbee especially is some aggressively marketed trash.
The bigger the Cosmic Crisp, the better the taste. Can’t say much for the tiny ones that come in 3-lb. bags. They need more time to grow.
Sugarbee apples are amazing! Rockits are the only others in the same ballpark. Unfortunately, my grocer frequently charges 50-100% more for Sugarbee, which just doesn’t work for me. Honeycrisp are fine if you can find small ones, but the big ones taste like water. Cosmic Crisp are generally better than Honeycrisp, but I think that’s because I can find smaller ones.
Ambrosia can be really good, if they’re still crisp, but they’re frequently mealy garbage. I may as well get red delicious if I wanted to eat chalk. It’s hard to take the risk.
Jazz or Gala tend to be my “safe” fallback when all the good apples are too expensive. Also, I wish I could buy normal sized apples from the bulk bins, I don’t want the giant monstrosities that all the grocery stores stock. I buy the bagged apples because they are a normal size and, if I go to Sprouts, I like to buy the boxes of teeny, tiny Rockit apples (sooooo good).
I love apples.
Gala and Pink Lady are the only ones from your list you get here. I think I’ve had Honeycrisp in the US, they were nice. I prefer Jonagold, Jonagored, Elstar, Granny Smith and Boskoop or Cox Orange for baking.
I love sugar bees and cosmic crisps!
For the lazy:
Lots of applehead drama in the comments
I wanna see the review of cider apples by a dude who just ate one on its own.
see op ^
This is the kind of strange niche stuff I come to the Internet for.
Fuck this site it gave the favorite apple of my childhood a 39 with the description “horse food” 😭
Edit: Appearently I misclicked, but a 57 with “barely worth it” is still not that great
I strongly disagree with this site on many apples. The cosmic crisp is amazing.
I need the same for mandarins. Nadorcott and Tang Gold are the best, everything else is garbage
No Spartan? I feel personally attacked
I love Spartans. Hard to find them anymore because everyone wants sickly sweet apples.
I finally understand why Apple names 2 of their products the Newton and Pippin
Fuji apples > everything else.
Sweetango>snap dragons, honeycrisp> pink lady and fuji. They’re a good apple no doubt but not the best.
Eh, in my experience they’re pretty good half the time, and mealy and bland with just a bit of sourness the other half. Similar to gala apples in that way, I’d say
Freshness matters.
one of the oldest varieties too