Right wing “Libertarians” in a nutshell:
The housecats of politics. They desperately want out of the house and don’t understand that they’re just an appetizer for the wealthy without regulation to protect them.
Man you must have some unhappy house cats. My cat went out onto the patio, realised he could get the same smells from the open window, and went back inside.
Cat tax before you animals demand it.
We have two very brave girls who don’t understand that the coyotes and foxes want to be much closer than friends.
“human why is there water falling from the sky? this is awful, let me back inside!”
“okay maybe the water has stopped falling, let me outside again!”
“the water is still falling!!! this is a travesty!!! i shall stand in the doorway to observe.”This is better. Now we’re taking about cats.
I used to be a right wing “Libertarian”, then I read some theory and now im an AnSynd (Anarcho-Syndicalism) :3
They want to be free to exploit others. Or at least dream that one day they might.
Freedom! To be exploited and repressed.
Um, aktuly you’re only repressed because you choose to be. I’m free because I’m going along with the repression to make money.
Cops that like to wear Punisher merch. Humans are by and large idiots.
I mean, it fits a country where saying “Long live the King!” is rebellious.
Americans be like “we need guns to oppose tyranny” then use guns to install fascism and threaten the most disadvantaged people in society.
Leftist gun-guy here.
No fascist will ever be aided by my gun ownership. I just wish the rest of the left wasn’t so insistent on disarming themselves.
I love the Cops and my Boss.
I hate the Woke Cops and my HR.
Tbf fuck HR
Tell your boss
Nothing more rebellious than getting on your knees and doing what you’re told.
Outback restaurants put it best: “no rules, just Right”.
replace Americans with literally any conservative
Same thing.
Kansas just issued new license plates to everyone and one of the designs is a “Don’t tread on me” flag so I’ve been seeing a lot of them on exactly the vehicles you’d expect.
My dude… You bought that from the government… To register your vehicle with the government… To drive on roads maintained and regulated by the government… Who do you think is doing the treading?
RumpRules! ait, aat? uck.
Fuck the police
The cops and YOUR boss. My boss kinda sucks but I think yours will take care of you if you just work hard
I’m reading a book and the author made the observation that Sarah Palin and McCain were sidekicks, partners, and Maverickstm
Not wrong.
But woooow