This was a terrible mistake on Biden’s administration. Poland went to investigate politicians from the previous ruling party, and what would you know? Many were bought by Russians.
We need to go after corruption, Republicans, Democrats even SCOTUS. Corrupted politicians (no matter on which side he/she is) is a threat to democracy. We can’t have strong institutions if corruption is allowed.
Not that it is much, but the DOJ did go after Bob Menendez under Garland.
That’s a really low gold bar, but I guess we have to start somewhere.
One Democrat.
The policy Obama started of letting Republicans do whatever they want with an “Aww shucks, ya did it again didn’t ya?” attitude whenever they break the rules is… quite literally going to get people killed.
*has gotten
Obama was incredibly “friendly” towards the worst amongst the Finance industry in how he chose to “rescue the Economy” by basically sacrificing everybody else to make them get away with minimal losses in the aftermath of the 2008 Crash.
Obama also made a ton of money in the speech circuit after that (he is very literally a multimillionaire) a lot of which paid directly and indirectly by Finance Industry companies.
Feel free to connect the dots.
Don’t worry, the fully weaponized maga DOJ will show the country how it’s done.
I hope people will realise how much power Biden and other Dems left on the table… Norms… Pppssshhhttt
That’s not how this works. When Trumpers take any sort of action, it’s good, when the same action is taken or not taken by anyone on the other side it’s bad. How do Trump voters know which is which? Easy, Fox tells them, no need to think.
Joe Biden is quoting gentlemen’s boxing etiquette during a prison yard knife fight.
Merrick Garland represents Democratic Seppuku via political decorum
Joe Biden’s otherwise excellent legacy will be a footnote under paragraphs written about how his inaction contributed to the collapse
Corruption makes a lot of money for politicians on both sides of the aisle in America.
Democrats didn’t go after Republican corruption because they too would be caught in the net if it was indeed done via an independent Justice System.
You see this exact same effect in other countries with voting systems that boost the representation of the two largest parties - neither of them ever goes after Corruption because both of them have been thoroughly captured by corrupt politicians and you even get the effect in Parliamentary systems that some of the few things they both vote together on is weakening existing anti-corruption legislation and defeating new anti-corruption legislation.
Parties which regularly get real power, such as the two main parties in Power Duopoly “democracies”, always attract the most crooked people around (similarly to power monopolies - I.e autocracies) and are guaranted to turn rotten even when they start from the most honest and fair beginnings.
I’ve wondered for a few years now if Garland was just an extremely deep mole – at some point the willful inaction became indistinguishable from purposeful obstruction.
Yeah, that whole “the purpose of a system is what it does” statement makes me think the DNC are moles.
The DNC exists to manage the controlled opposition for the capitalist class
I used to think that was all conspiracy theorist tankie talk, but the Democrats losing, refusing recounts, refusing to investigate the irregularities in voting, the contradictions between poll and results, or the bomb threats given to Blue Counties in Swing States on Election Night… Complete with Kamela saying “Screw appointing judges, I’m going to Hawaii!”
Well it was almost enough to make me think that they wanted to lose the election on purpose and simply had to pretend to put up a fight to keep us complacent. It certainly makes sense of this “No, they do protests, rallies, organize, break rules, and get what they want, but we are better than that! We have to talk it on the chin! It’s the only way we keep America the American Way!” talk that’s been going on. Better known as “We go high, they go low.”
Like I said it was ALMOST enough. What sent me was Biden buddying up to Trump and looking like bros who just won the big eSports 2 Vs. 2 Tournament against some grade A douchebags… and being so damn convincing in the role that Right Wingers were joking that Biden voted for Trump.
I legitimately believe that they wanted Trump to win. Look at how fast they turned on Transpepole despite the exit polls showing that it was their lack of support for economic issues, not their continued support of LGBT rights, that lost them the election. They wanted Trump to win so they could stop the act, take off the mask, and say “Well I guess you guys WANT a bigoted America!”
Kamela may have been the damn trojan horse that prevents us from ever having a female president, so both parties can point to her and Hillary’s campaigns and fully mask off say “Naw, bros before hoes in the Whites Only House!”
You wanna know why the Democrats have given up so easily and just aren’t worried about Trump despite making him out to be the biggest threat to Democracy we’ve ever seen (which, he is)
I’ll tell you why, getting that bastard back in the White House was the plan all along.
The Democrats took up the mantle of Champions of Justice simply so they could get their cut by taking a dive.
The problem is that fairly or unfairly Democrats have been burned as being woke out of touch elitists that care more about bathrooms and policing language than actually fixing anything.
I can’t really blame people, for one Democrats suck ass at PR and two they really offered no solutions.
Trumps solutions are awful and insane, but at least he’s saying shits fucked, I’ll fix it!
Again, Trump is a moron, but this doesn’t matter in the PR game. Democrats aren’t even playing.
Even on here people keep going on about bathrooms, Gaza and pronouns, completely ignoring the ass whooping we just got. People outside lemmy simply don’t care about this.
I forget who exactly on the right said it before the election, but it was something along the lines of, ‘We are about to have another American revolution and it will be bloodless of the DNC let’s it.’ Seems like the DNC is allowing it.
So in Hostage Negotiation they tell you that if a Hostage has been killed, you send in the guns and any further talk is meant solely to serve as a distraction. This is because after the death of one hostage it is clear that further negotiation is not guaranteed to save anyone and that even if a deal is reached you no longer have reason to believe that the person on the other end is sane or stable enough to honor it.
Democrats would fail this class, Republicans aren’t even taking it because they’re the ones killing hostages.
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One of the few things Obama did to actually do a “Take that!” to the Republicans was responding to their claims that
“Yeah, maybe we’d vote on a Supreme Court nominee from Obama… If it was someone like Merrick Garland.”
And Obama was like “Bet”, and suggested Merrick Garland solely to prove that McConnell would say no.
He also jokingly included a man named “Ben Ghazi” in his list of Supreme Court picks.
Now, the correct play was “Okay, if you won’t vote on my Supreme Court picks, then I’m just going to assume that there’s no opposition and throw my guy in.”, not this, but… close answer I guess.
I really thought Garland was gonna kick some ass since it was Trump’s fault that he didn’t get to be a Supreme Court Justice, but no I see why the Republicans had the “Man he’d never go for it, but what if Obama picked Garland?” reaction as he clearly gives more of a shit about them than anything else.
Merrick from Yu-Gi-Oh would have served this country better.
Garland is a Republican. Expecting ethical actions, honor, sacrifice or country before party, simply was never going to happen.
I’m sad because it’s true.
what is this referencing
edit: nevermind lmao
He stepped down from the consideration for AG.
Holy shit, that’s what Matt Gaetz looks like?
He looks like if Trevor Noah did a bunch of meth and then proceeded to turn on everything he ever stood for.
God wash his hands and rest his soul.
If only he’d kept his dick out of little jane
See, that’s the worst part about all of this. It isn’t because of the sex, it’s what he did to have it. Had he just gone to Georgia to have sex with a 17 year old girl who was already there, there would be no case.
Indeed, from what I understand, depending on the state in question, the illegal part was offering to pay for it.
In my home state we recently had a case, or rather didn’t have, that made headlines. Some 37 year old hooked up with a 16 year old he met online.
Her dad demanded this guy get arrested after they fucked in his minivan. (Of course the almost 40 year old has a fucking van to do this kinda thing in)
Cop basically said “The age of consent around here is either 16 or 4 years younger than your current age, whichever is lower, so… uhh… arrest him for what exactly?”
Now he’s lobbying to have the law changed. I doubt he’ll get anywhere though.
They voted on the idea of raising it just 2 years ago, and decided not to. I will say that to be fair under state Law, the Law can no longer consider you a minor in court of law at 16, so… best not to shoplift after your sweet 16. So it’s not like there isn’t some consistency.
I’d imagine we’d probably have the drinking and smoking age at 16 too if not for Federal Laws insisting that they be 21.
Yeah there are more pedophiliacs than we know in government and civilian society.
Man what a weird coincidence I ran into this right after finding out John Fugelsang was in Coyote Ugly lol. I didn’t even know he was an actor. I do know he is awesome.
I’m guessing he was an actor. Then he was in Coyote Ugly.
I like the Beaverton’s take.
May he fade away into obscurity forever. Amen.
Nah. He was my Congressman. I want him nailed to the wall with whatever they got. Statutory rape if he was dumb enough to fuck a 17-yo in Florida. Paying for minor sex across state lines? Probably even better.
I want the report fucking yesterday.
That would be awesome.
It’s not going to happen though. I’d love to told i was wrong.I’m just glad he resigned, this could easily have been another Kavanaugh situation where no investigation is launched, and Trump just says “He was proven innocent.”
That alone means sadly more justice has already been done than what precedent says.
Right? I’m glad you specified in Florida, because what bothers me is that there are states where 17 is actually within the age of consent. Meaning this motherfucker was a dumbass.
Look I’m not saying I approve of 40 year olds doing it with people half their age, or that I approve of Republicans having sex with anybody for any reason ever…
But he was already engaging in sexual harrassment, sexual assault, and attempt to solicit prostitution (by offering to pay for it)
Hasn’t he ever heard the phrase “Never do a misdemeanor in the middle of your felony?”
Sorry I’m autistic, it’s the small details that stick out in my mind. Or… perhaps I should say the “minor” details.
I repeat, I’m not defending his actions or his crimes. I mean it’d still be wrong no matter what state he did this in, but… for fuck’s sake at least be somewhat competent at being a sex pest.
Just to be back in 2 months.
He can be! I’ve followed this man closely.
After his buddy was sentenced, the buddy who was presumably going to squeal, Gaetz shut the fuck up. If you remember, he was on a tear. Always stirring shit up, always in the headlines. Then… silence.
After that died down, the Mouth from the South was in action again, just a tad more subdued. House report coming up? Sure got real quiet around here, again.
He resigned this Congress and was voted in for the next. Probably sweating balls trying to figure out his next play.
Oh gosh! Remember yesterday’s headlines that a “hacker” had got the House report? And he instantly dropped the Attorney General bid? Huh. I won’t state my opinion, because lemmy will, no matter what, think I’m defending him.
EDIT: Ah, fuck it, I need the downvotes. For those of y’all pissing and moaning about him fucking a 17-yo “child”, does the name “Nestor” ring any bells? Might want to look into that.
I don’t understand what the Nestor edit means? Its obvious he is obsessed with raping children. I don’t think that the gender of the child matters to him. He seems to be an equal opportunity child rapist.
I really fucking hope not.
Whoever Trump nominates next, you can be sure he’s got some serious dirt on them too. One of the prostrate 8?
Or just a total brown-noser. Kari Lake isn’t doing much.
Look at what you did to my boy!