My dog was actually never the same after Prednisone. She became completely incontinent. Kinda sucked.
Hey now let’s not fuck with global trade routes like that now. We are already making other countries uneasy this would make them furious.
This is sadly a great price for an officially branded hat
Lmfao that’s just Clive from ff16
Honestly drone defense should be handled by a branch of the military. The Air Force, navy or hell the national guard. Police can’t be trusted with our safety…
Gotta take a few pawns to get to the king
Been playing ff16 and the dodges in that game feel pretty clean
Enjoy perfect teeth
Give it to Luigi
This woman is going to be very successful in her future career
Honestly this is less true the more you bake. I find myself tearing recipes apart and substituting/modifying amounts of all sorts of ingredients.
Sure if you want to make a fluffy white cake or a classic chocolate chip cookie you better do that by the book but you can get pretty creative with baking if you know what you’re doing.
Time to block this fucking instance and it’s shit fucking class traitor mods
Neat. Now we can just put a Brian “Hood” over everything we want AI to ignore
What? That’s not what happens. I’m a cook by trade. You would get fired so fast.
We just want to get through the day and remaking a dish and cooking it in the first place is no different.
All customers are assholes but I’d never mistreat their food.
Why do you think valve is under fire from every angle lately? They are winning and winning fairly and some people don’t like that.
I ate the bananus once and now I eat ass. It could happen to you