when you destroy something many use, you should have a working replacement ready to plug into the space
when you destroy something many use, you should have a working replacement ready to plug into the space
you can do roads or rails not both
the “we” he refers to is not us
its called doomscrolling for a reason
dont count on another election. scotes threw that out of the ring. if biden could anull the election snd stop the switch, you can bet trump will do it
$ 214 per person
and do what? carry on like nothing changes for worse? yknow, plain water is better for you than koolaid
be more of a dig on the orange shitstain if she did it though
could she, with the scrotus ruled immunity, void the election and have trump and his team arrested for treason?
its really looks like they are literally begging for a revolution. i mean, such obviously inflammatory language serves no purpose other than to goad retribution. he cannot be so insanely threatening and not expect a reaction
since time at its most basic is merely mans attempt to tame chaos, man has full control over his own perceptions regardless of “reality”
can you prove that? within the mind of man all things exist that can be seen and felt since seeing and feeling are inborn to them.
correct answers are wholly dependent on factual, unadultrrated, information. trumps crew is populated by numerous adulterers so the game id rigged at the outset
if time is no line then the universe has no structure
go live in a tiny house first to get a feel. you can even get one on wheels and have it towed around for the full experience. be kinda pricy though
time is a straight line. the circle is only for the easing of the incomprehending mind
i still think such numbers are underestimates since the amount of people that actively avoid being counted are steadfast about it
most geriatric ears are loaded with enough hairs to at least slow down any leakage. i can agree with the ideas of some geriatrics sure but there have been quite a few ive been loathe to share the planets oxygen with. most of them in politics. for every decent one like bernie, there are at least 6 that are diametrically aligned.
only things he has brought down so far are morale and the IQ of the office