Been wilding out baking pumpkin bread, pumpkin brittle, pumpkin cheesecake, and buckeye cookies, but that’s only been 12 eggs, including my meals
Been wilding out baking pumpkin bread, pumpkin brittle, pumpkin cheesecake, and buckeye cookies, but that’s only been 12 eggs, including my meals
Plenty of October left for them to Mets it up
Peope cleared out the local grocery store of eggs on Tuesday despite our eggs being overwhelming laid domestically. The idiotic cherry on top was that the giant packs of 60 eggs were untouched. So everyone was buying a bunch of one dozen egg packs, and just leaving the bulk stuff. So that’s how I, a single guy who lives alone, ended up with 60 eggs
His company, his newsletter, his name on it. Often tomes racist shot was directly attributes to him. So either he believed in that, condoned it, or felt that racism was a great vehicle to sell his ideology. I’m not sure whoch of those makes him a good person, or makes his ideology not about racism.
The point is that Ron Paul was a true, modern, libertarian in that his “freedom” and “liberty” shtick was always about freedom to do segregation via “freedom of association” and other such nonsense. Ron Paul created the libertarian to fascist pipeline because libertarianism has mever been anything but veiled racism
Ron Paul wass popular becausue of his racist newsletter back in the 80’s. Everything else was just whitewash.
Someone brings it up once and others like the idea. It’s no different than how March Madness took over offices 20 years ago.
I do. That code is: get fat, fuck, destroy all opposition
Strange, because the idea of shelling New Jersey seems very natural to the rest of us
The White House was able to bring down a shit ton of sanctions on Russia after the invasion of Ukraine. There iia no reason they couldn’t do the same after Israel began razing Gaza.
Also, what’s with using the first name all the time? Would he have done that if the VP was a man?
Depends on how ethnic the man’s first name is compared to his last name.
The issue is how much water people actually use on a given day. The average American uses 82 gallons of water every day. Los Angeles (not the surrounding cities or suburbs) needs an average of 320 million gallons of water to meet just consumer water requirements every day. Thats 10,617 train cars or 16 LR1 Oil tankers a day for just water, for just the city of Los Angeles. The only feasible solution is discouraging people from living where there isn’t any water.
They sont have any pipelines running into California because the terrain makes them prohibitedly expensive. If BP and Exxon Mobile say it is cheaper to import Saudi crude to California because it is too expensive to pipe Texas crude, then there is no way. Canada has one pipeline to connect Albertam oil to Vancouver, but it is so expensive to pipe that oil across the Canadian Rockies that the pipe it downhill to Saskatchewan where it can then be pipped downhill all the way to Texas. Pipelines across mountains are just not feasible unless you are trying to move stuff from the top of the mountain to the bottom.
We need to stop encouraging people to live where there isn’t any water. There’s a reason nearly 3/4 of the US population lives east of the Mississippi, and that reason is the Eastern half of the country gets a straight up order of magnitude more rain water than the Western half
It’s pretty much impossible. Houston gets more rain than Seattle most years, but it’s nearly impossible to pump that water up 500ft and 500 miles west to ranches in Texas. A pipeline from the Great Lakes or South East would have to pump water through the Rockies. They can’t even build pil and gas pipelines to connect the West Coast to the rest of country, which is worth infinitly more per gallon than water.
On top of that, we have has abysmal rainfall this summer along the Great Lakes. I live on a river that flows into Lake Erie’s western basin and i have never seen the river this low. There are stretches of the rover where i can walk bank to bank without getting my feet wet right now.
Michigan is dirt cheap. $80 ounces are pretty common. $40 for an ounce of shake if you avoid border towns like Monroe. Even the Monroe dispensaries are cheaper than the Ohio ones that just opened, so everyone in NW Ohio still travels north for it since they dave moeny.
I’ll let you guess who was having a lovely nap 5 minutes ago
UCC church we used to go to in Indiana did a baptism for a lesbian couple back in 2007. The Texas one we went to had a black lesbian pastor for a congregation that was 1/3 Philippino, 1/3 Nigerian, and 1/3 old white Texans. “Do not put a period where God has put a comma. God is still speaking” was the official motto for the UCC for decades. I’m not a religious person but i do believe that churches like the UCC do a lot of good in this world.
Boudica has come a long way in just a couple weeks. She’s nearly 3lbs and holds her own against Nini when they wrestle.They’ve become best friends so soon. They really were so well behaved at the vet, Boudica was even purring when she got her shot. Next round of shots is scheduled for next month, and theey are getting spayed a week before Christmas.
Healthcare workers need to unionize