For me, it’s Fruits Basket (2019). Special mention to Dandadan.
@mo_lave seems like OP never replied to any of the advices!
I don’t see any reason to reply. It’s intended more for others to share their preferences
@mo_lave is it so? Sounds like trolling then
How so? From my POV, I’m trying to generate constructive discussion. It’s trolling if I said “X anime is the best” and metaphorically grab my popcorn afterwards.
@mo_lave I guess I just don’t see the point of asking something and then not replying, not even a “thank you”. People dedicated time to help you with suggestions, it might be cultural differences but I’d at least acknowledge them
I see it as a fair take. Thanks for your input.
“Another” left quite an impression on me. Supernatural Suspense Horror and I haven’t seen anyone else mention it yet.
Angel Beats is one of my all-time favorites.
Dan Da Dan is an obvious recent pick. Your Name is amazing if you haven’t seen it.
If we want to get into more Shonen offerings there’s Chainsaw Man, Tokyo Ghoul, Jujutsu Kaizen, and others.
I might be the odd man out, but Ghost Stories. Specifically the English dubbed version, because they turned it into a comedy instead of keeping the straight serious tone of the OG. And it is fantastic.
Truly the best official dub of all time.
I think the show was already canceled in Japan, but the money for the dub was already spent, so they just let them do literally whatever they want as long as they kept the spirit names, the sealing method, and something else the same. Utterly free reign aside from that. It got to the point that whichever VA showed up earliest got to pick the direction the improv went that day.
I think the show was already canceled in Japan, but the money for the dub was already spent
Not quite. It was actually successful in Japan but the company that localized it for a NA release was convinced that it would never be successful there without serious modifications. It got a much more normal English dub for its release in Singapore.
Monogatari Series
When They Cry (Higurashi, specifically the original 2006 and its original answer arcs Kai).
Monogatari, Fate and Shinsekai Yori are the ones that spring to mind right now
Monogatari Series and Railgun
Mushishi. But Furuba, Dandadan, and Natsume Yuujinchou are all other series I might say.
I haven’t seen it all but like the feel of the Boogiepop Phantom I have seen.
Mine would have to be Natsume’s Book of Friends.
I love Natsume. I have a couple episodes left in the most recent season, but I am not looking forward to a super long wait again once I finish.
Do films count? If so, I’d go for Makoto Shinkai’s 2022 work, Suzume. Loved it so much that I broke down and bought the special edition box set even when I didn’t really have the cash to spare. Not only is its plot a really enjoyable adventure that dives into the myths behind Japan’s earthquakes but it also is probably the most visually appealing film I’ve ever seen.
Mononoke came to mind although there probably is a better one.
When I apply the supernatural filter on AniList, the 10/10 anime that I’ve watched are:
- Cherry Magic!
- Oshi no Ko
- Erased
- Your Name
- Konosuba
- One Punch Man
- Bunny Girl Senpai
- Spy x Family
However, supernatural doesn’t feel like the main genre of any of these anime (e.g. Oshi no Ko’s main genre is drama IMO).
If I have got to pick an anime with supernatural as its genre - front and centre - it’s Dan Da Dan. Second place goes to Mieruko-chan.