This is why it’s really important for white, cis men to be allies.
If you are a white, cis man and you are inspired by this man, please speak up. Those of us that are minorities can only push the boulder so far and we need voices that Republican (and unfortunately some Democrat) politicians will hear.
And things like this do way more than just the immediate apparent impact. Every time a white cis guy speaks out like this, it helps to break down the lie that this bigoted way of thinking is the majority.
It also (hopefully) makes them consider why they only agreed with them before they said murdering women and children was bad. At least, we can hope that some are that self-aware.
Hey man, cis doesn’t mean anything besides you identify with your given gender at birth. Just like male/female are useful terms for communication, we have a term for that. In fact, cis isn’t even just for that. It’s just Latin meaning you’re in the same side of something. For example: cisalpine, meaning on this side of the alps (the side of Italy). No reasonable person would be offended by the term. It’s been used for over 100 years in this way. The only reason to be offended is if you’re told to be offended.
Are you trans then?
If youre white, would you prefer the term “normal”? Instead of a cis white guy, would you prefer “normal guy” to imply that other people are not normal? because I mean, well, they aren’t white. Theyre brown and trans. Youre normal, and we can all have a happy comment section. Group hug everyone!
It’s not an attack on you, I say as a straight cis white guy. It’s for people that are othered to not be excluded. It’s saying that every person is uniquely themself as well. How someone identifies is their identity after all. I have friends that are gay, straight, trans, and queer. If I can do little things like acknowledging my friends for who they are, then I am helping make their lives just a little bit better in an often cold and uncaring world.
You’ll be downvoted but people would do well to reflect on why. This is a large part of why white men didn’t vote, it’s why the “she’s for they/them he’s for you” was massively successful. I know in a just world we’d all be on the same page with this. But we’re not. You’re going to have to roll with this guy not wanting to be called cis if you want an ally and not an enemy.
No one makes enemies pointlessly better than the LGBT crowd. FFS, I want to be friends, but I feel pushed around and told I’m not…enough…whatever. I guess I don’t feel accepted and being called cis is alienating to me. But god for-fucking-bid they get called anything that makes them uncomfy.
See the downvotes OP’s collecting for a perfect example.
He had 'em in the first half
This is why it’s really important for white, cis men to be allies.
If you are a white, cis man and you are inspired by this man, please speak up. Those of us that are minorities can only push the boulder so far and we need voices that Republican (and unfortunately some Democrat) politicians will hear.
And things like this do way more than just the immediate apparent impact. Every time a white cis guy speaks out like this, it helps to break down the lie that this bigoted way of thinking is the majority.
It also (hopefully) makes them consider why they only agreed with them before they said murdering women and children was bad. At least, we can hope that some are that self-aware.
Not if you call me ‘cis’.
Hey man, cis doesn’t mean anything besides you identify with your given gender at birth. Just like male/female are useful terms for communication, we have a term for that. In fact, cis isn’t even just for that. It’s just Latin meaning you’re in the same side of something. For example: cisalpine, meaning on this side of the alps (the side of Italy). No reasonable person would be offended by the term. It’s been used for over 100 years in this way. The only reason to be offended is if you’re told to be offended.
-sincerely: a cis-gendered man
if you aren’t cis then there’s nothing to worry about
if you are, there’s also nothing to worry about
Are you trans then? If youre white, would you prefer the term “normal”? Instead of a cis white guy, would you prefer “normal guy” to imply that other people are not normal? because I mean, well, they aren’t white. Theyre brown and trans. Youre normal, and we can all have a happy comment section. Group hug everyone!
Just call me a normal normal normal normal because I’m tired of being called a straight cis white man.
It’s not an attack on you, I say as a straight cis white guy. It’s for people that are othered to not be excluded. It’s saying that every person is uniquely themself as well. How someone identifies is their identity after all. I have friends that are gay, straight, trans, and queer. If I can do little things like acknowledging my friends for who they are, then I am helping make their lives just a little bit better in an often cold and uncaring world.
That was sarcasm.
It’s harder to tell when people in this very chain are saying similar without any sarcasm.
I was hoping that they absurdity would make it clear, but obviously it wasn’t clear enough, because some of these people are crazy.
Edit: Sorry, missed the sarcasm
How do you identify? What should we call you?
How I identify isn’t anyone’s business.
That word, like ‘moist’, I find offensive.
Confirm whether I’m allowed to dislike things.
Oh, ok. Like how I hate the word female. But I’m still a female.
Copy that.
It’s offensive because phonetically it’s similar if not identical to sis.
Short for sister Short for sissy, a transgender person
Being called a man, and being a man, in this cozy patriarchy it is incredibly bizarre to give that up.
I’m not justifying the I’m not doing it if you call me cis dude, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the phonetics have something to do with it.
People can react to your post however they want but you can also dislike whatever you want /shrug
You’ll be downvoted but people would do well to reflect on why. This is a large part of why white men didn’t vote, it’s why the “she’s for they/them he’s for you” was massively successful. I know in a just world we’d all be on the same page with this. But we’re not. You’re going to have to roll with this guy not wanting to be called cis if you want an ally and not an enemy.
No one makes enemies pointlessly better than the LGBT crowd. FFS, I want to be friends, but I feel pushed around and told I’m not…enough…whatever. I guess I don’t feel accepted and being called cis is alienating to me. But god for-fucking-bid they get called anything that makes them uncomfy.
See the downvotes OP’s collecting for a perfect example.
cis (as the prefix in cisgender) is literally just the Latin term for “on this side of”, opposite of trans = “on the other side of”.
It’s the exact same thing as heterosexual & homosexual, both from Greek, standing for hetero (from heteros) = different, and homo (from homos) = same.
Is the term “straight” also not ok, just gay people and “normal” people? And same for homosexual and “normal” people, and trans and “normal” people?
Turns me off as well, can’t say why, but I can accept it.
It’s offensive because phonetically it’s similar if not identical to sis.
Short for sister Short for sissy, a transgender person
Being called a man, and being a man, in this cozy patriarchy it is incredibly bizarre to give that up.
I’m not justifying the I’m not doing it if you call me cis dude, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the phonetics have something to do with it.