You’ll be downvoted but people would do well to reflect on why. This is a large part of why white men didn’t vote, it’s why the “she’s for they/them he’s for you” was massively successful. I know in a just world we’d all be on the same page with this. But we’re not. You’re going to have to roll with this guy not wanting to be called cis if you want an ally and not an enemy.
No one makes enemies pointlessly better than the LGBT crowd. FFS, I want to be friends, but I feel pushed around and told I’m not…enough…whatever. I guess I don’t feel accepted and being called cis is alienating to me. But god for-fucking-bid they get called anything that makes them uncomfy.
See the downvotes OP’s collecting for a perfect example.
You’ll be downvoted but people would do well to reflect on why. This is a large part of why white men didn’t vote, it’s why the “she’s for they/them he’s for you” was massively successful. I know in a just world we’d all be on the same page with this. But we’re not. You’re going to have to roll with this guy not wanting to be called cis if you want an ally and not an enemy.
No one makes enemies pointlessly better than the LGBT crowd. FFS, I want to be friends, but I feel pushed around and told I’m not…enough…whatever. I guess I don’t feel accepted and being called cis is alienating to me. But god for-fucking-bid they get called anything that makes them uncomfy.
See the downvotes OP’s collecting for a perfect example.
cis (as the prefix in cisgender) is literally just the Latin term for “on this side of”, opposite of trans = “on the other side of”.
It’s the exact same thing as heterosexual & homosexual, both from Greek, standing for hetero (from heteros) = different, and homo (from homos) = same.
Is the term “straight” also not ok, just gay people and “normal” people? And same for homosexual and “normal” people, and trans and “normal” people?