No one makes enemies pointlessly better than the LGBT crowd. FFS, I want to be friends, but I feel pushed around and told I’m not…enough…whatever. I guess I don’t feel accepted and being called cis is alienating to me. But god for-fucking-bid they get called anything that makes them uncomfy.
See the downvotes OP’s collecting for a perfect example.
No one makes enemies pointlessly better than the LGBT crowd. FFS, I want to be friends, but I feel pushed around and told I’m not…enough…whatever. I guess I don’t feel accepted and being called cis is alienating to me. But god for-fucking-bid they get called anything that makes them uncomfy.
See the downvotes OP’s collecting for a perfect example.
cis (as the prefix in cisgender) is literally just the Latin term for “on this side of”, opposite of trans = “on the other side of”.
It’s the exact same thing as heterosexual & homosexual, both from Greek, standing for hetero (from heteros) = different, and homo (from homos) = same.
Is the term “straight” also not ok, just gay people and “normal” people? And same for homosexual and “normal” people, and trans and “normal” people?