Dude when middle school students think you’re uncool, you really have no future.
This sounds like I am kidding but I am not.
If you’re SO uncool that fucking MIDDLE SCHOOL KIDS are paying negative attention to someone over the age of 30, that person sucks.
Yeah, that’s hardcore. There’s always the middle school angst, but for public figures to get this treatment, it’s damning.
I glazed over this important qualifier. Yeah, if kids that age know who you are and it’s not because they want to be you, you suck.
Unless you have the misfortune of teaching middle school. If the kids loathe you, you’re still doing something wrong though.
I mean, the unsaid part of my comment was if they know you when you aren’t in their lives, as in, you’re known to people you haven’t met.
Especially when the disdained entity is an expected “foreign dignitary”… 😂 🤣
Hopefully the armed forces feel the same way about him when he gives an illegal order to fire on American citizens.
From my time in, I would say most don’t like him but also most to want to rock the boat.
Is pete allowed around children?
You’re thinking of Matt Gaetz. I know it’s easy to get them confused. Pete is the guy who has to blow into a breathalyzer to start his car.
And his second wife had safe words during texts to call for 3rd party help ie police and emergency services I assume. According to his second wife’s sister.
…a small gathering of people dressed in civilian clothes also appeared to protest recent Pentagon decisions
Well yeah. Uniformed servicemen are not going to be going to a protest.