Kinda looks like a robot eating Taco Bell.
haaaaaatttt !!!
Eating food in cars is just something I find to be SO REPULSIVE.
- Cars have that plastic-ey smell.
- Cars make ya motion sick.
- Food gets EVERYWHERE when u eat it in a car.
- No matter how hard you clean, those food crumbles stay somewhere in there, which then mix with the plastic-ey car smell.
Eating a taco while the car was in motion would be a disaster waiting to happen. But sat still, parked at the scenic overlook with the breeze through the windows, and plenty of napkins, it could be lovely.
I would rather sit on a rock or something outside rather being in my car.
then do that. everyone is different
Yeah yeah, I’m just sharing what I like to do lol. Not attacking anyone here
I have car tacos like once a month I dunno what you’re talking about. I also wear a lot of loud prints to cover up stains for unrelated reasons
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I have never experienced any of this. Have you only been in cars that have been made after 2015 or something?
Not rlly. Perhaps I just get motion sick more easily.
Last point is moot because with even the slightest amount of care, food doesn’t drop into the car. Unless you are trying to scarf onion rings while flying down the interstate, I don’t see any of this ever happening.
I have no idea what kind of a millimeter precise mouth u have, but like… Uk, crumbs n stuff get everywhere, sauce may get on ur fingers, some veggies may fall off n stuff like that. I’m not exactly a messy eater too. It’s just… Disgusting… It’s like eating food in bed for instance.
The XJ taco holder is superior.
Hard tacos disgust me. If I want my taco hard, I’ll get it hard myself.
Taco foreplay
I came here hoping that someone else thought of this
The car seems appalled
How ridiculous!
Taco is life. Taco is love.
Taco Bell is the shits! 💩
Yo queiro taco holder