No. Close, but no.
Mentally, yes. Financially, no.
Oh, no. Hella worse. They were solidly middle class with two solid careers at this point. And kids, but I don’t want that part so that’s a wash. But nicer house, nicer stuff entirely. But me and my husband are in a better place relationship wise so I got that over them??
Yeah, my parents were from a small village without reliable running water and toilets and I’m an computer microchip engineer that lives in a house I own with clean filtered water and a bidet.
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Not financially, we used to go on holiday 3 weeks a year in a touring caravan, plus multiple weekends, in my teens we’d go skiing for a week. Based on that alone I’m not even in the same league.
Financially maybe, my parents were probably still at university at my age. They’d make more money than I do afterwards though.
And they had already found each other, while I’ve never even had one relationship yet.
Lol, no. They were able to have a house and multiple kids on one salary.
I don’t have kids, so yeah.
Edit: now that I scroll through the comments, I see this is a common theme.
I cannot own my own house. Something about I don’t earn enough.
I am allowed to pay rent at nearly double what a mortgage would be and this is financially allowed.
I am thanks to a combination of my learning how credit should actually be used and careful budgeting as well as an excellent choice to get into information technology. I can actually support my adult son as well as take care of his brother and my disabled wife and living what would’ve largely been considered middle class by their standard. At this point they were getting mortgage calls for juggling payments and spending wrecklessly while living in a double wide mobile home in the rural appalachias.
Kind of? My dad died before he was my age and my mom told me “he died and I’d never had that much money in my life and all I wanted was him.”
So financially I’m worse off than my mom was, but in other (and probably more important) ways, better off. And certainly better off than my dad.
Part of me wants to think so; I’m making a lot more money than they did at my age, even accounting for inflation. Aside from my car note, I’m debt-free. All objectively good things.
They had each other though. I’m a few years older than they were when they had their first kid, and they’d been married for a few years before that. I’m alone, and after I had some bad experiences, I don’t bother with dating. Whether that’s “better” than what my parents did or not, I don’t think it’s fair for me to decide.
Better in what regard? Fiscally all things adjusted and accounted for? Fuck no,
Progress as a person and self growth and development? Absolutely.
Also I will never breed, so always will be one up on my parents there,
Absolutely same
Only because my spouse’s parents are both dead (early, accidents) and he inherited several hundred thousand dollars and life insurance money. I personally have a negative net worth, and with divorce I’d probably only break even. I basically lucked out of not living with my parents/grandparents for the rest of their life. On the flip side though, I regret the marriage because he refuses to move to a country with better social safety nets should something go wrong; living knowing that should his nest egg dry up, that we’ll be on the street in retirement, is inherently really stressful [we live in the USA].
I have a BS, with probably no inheritance coming (I’ve been told so).
He’s a certified accountant and makes double what I do. He controls all the money for obvious reasons.