Trump: “I am once again asking the United States to operate like a holding company.”
Maybe even gazillions. Who knows. People are saying TikTok could be worth forty, maybe even fifty gazillion dollars.
Certainly worth brazillions, which is more than twitter
Leave us Brazilians out of this!
1000 Fantasyllion dollars
1.5 trump coins
So… he wants to nationalize TikTok? I thought communism was bad?
Sieze the… production of memes?
You had the opportunity to say “Seize the memes of production” and you didn’t take it?
It’s playing off how TikTok’s short form content is largely suited to inconsequential entertainment. TikTok produces memes, Trump wants to seize it. So you’re not seizing the memes of production like the classic joke indicates, you’re seizing that which produces the memes.
The joke is now dead, but the autopsy indicates why I smiled even though it didn’t land with most.
Right! That was my first thought. They obviously know the saying but messed up the pun. I’m sad, but I still upvoted them.
It’s not nationalisation if it’s owned by a private citizen who also happens to be part of the cabinet.
Oh, I thought he was suggesting the US government buy 50% of it. I suppose with Trump in charge private corporations are the United States now.
The other 50% are going to Trump and his cronies. The US isn’t going to see a dime.
wait, so now both CCP and NSA get to mine TT?
I wonder how they’ll align on which propaganda they are going to push. Areas of influences?
The owners and controllers of these companies don’t care about countries, nations, ideologies or even beliefs … all they care about is money and it doesn’t matter if you’re Chinese, American, or identify as communist or capitalist.
It’s not about ideology, it’s about control and corruption. In Europe, both Trump and Xi agree to support fascist movements to weaken the EU. In Asia their interests are not as compatible.
What is BOTH an acronym for? /s
sorry, used caps as emphasis… I have no idea if it is an acronym…
I know, I was just being silly.
Is he saying owned by the US government or by a US oligarch? The former sounds like the opposite of small government. If they’re so angry about the postal office being owned by the federal government, why would they be okay with TikTok
Is he saying owned by the US government or by a US oligarch?
I don’t think he sees an appreciable difference
deleted by creator
Also one of the very few mainstream spaces one could get news from a leftist perspective.
It’s like when theres a spinny wheel at the playground and someone uses their motorcycle to spin and one person gets ejected our of their skin basically but it’s gonna be millions of people.
I went to fact check his tweet. Found this instead. Who cares South Park was delayed, we can still have fun with these
There’s a typo in his post. He said “say up” instead of “stay up”.