3-hole is for robbing physical banks, everyone knows this.
But then how will I eat my cheetos?
lol chopsticks obv
Exactly. Hacking requires fingerless black gloves
Uj/ pro tip: wear a Single eye slit because if it’s cold enough to wear a balaclava then I don’t want to leave my lips out in the elements to get chapped and also it’s easier to wear sunglasses with
What if it’s not cold but you still wanna look like a proper hacker?
Just use black shoe polish
Sunglasses that reflect my code.
Aren’t the hoodie and fingerless gloves the traditional garments for this type of endeavour ?
I prefer an oversized black hoodie and a spotlight positioned to only reveal my chin
I too like the oversized hoodie. While the spotlighted chin is tasteful, I really enjoy setting up a projector to project the code i’m hacking directly onto my face.
I think the one without the mouth hole is better
Just realised that my home office is so fucking frigid that I would be justified working on the computer in one of these.
As forthe question… Left. I’m trying to eat less anyway.
Three hole, to avoid fogging up my glasses.
3 holes but not for hacking rather for fighting for a free and united Ireland.
Tiocfaidh ar la!
car bomb
Mouth hole feels weird when it rubs against my lips, and not having one means people can’t see when I make kissy faces at them so I can do it as much as I want. It’s worth having to smell my own breath, I think
3 hole, how else do you Baja blast?
3 hole to sip that mountain dew obvi
This is the way.
Slit for hacking, holes for unifying the 32 counties
I’d prefer fingertip-less gloves, my hands get soooo cold versus the rest of my body when I’m in my poorly insulated office.