followed with ‘I wasn’t aware is so important to you. I didn’t want to insult you and if you felt so, I apologize. The word fuck is one I use very often, but I’ll try to control myself around you’
Note I didn’t insult the coworker (no fuck you or fuck off), but simply said ‘fuck’ out loud due to a job error.
My neighbor passed away and a new family moved in. Talking with dad, I noticed he didn’t swear much. I said a handful of curse words the first few times we talked. I noticed he was a little put off. So I just made a conscious effort to not curse around him. Never apologized, just tried not to. Pretty sure he’s noticed and appreciates it.
“I’ll try and be more professional in the future.”
This way you’re not judging them or yourself, you’re saying you understand that there’s a code of behavior the bosses expect everyone to follow.
This is a terrible apology. You make it all about then instead of your actions and then don’t even say you won’t do it, but only that you’ll try to do it…and then immediately dropping the f bomb throwing out the window any chance that you’re “trying” means anything.
Tell them to grow up. Adults use adult language.
Grow up. Your opinion is shit.
See how condescending that is.
Gotta love it!
Those who say, “Stop being so sensitive” often are the biggest little bitches.
No. It just means they have some maturity about them
Nah they’re little bitches because they can’t handle that other people might be different.
Be a bit more sensitive to others instead of being a little bitch who feels uncomfortable around people expressing themselves and telling them to bottle it in?
I work in a very large tech company. I curse like a fucking sailor around some people and use my church voice around others. Expletives lose their punch when used too often.
I wouldn’t apologize or bring it up further. The time for an apology about language spoken in the heat of the moment is as soon after as possible.
The best apology is a change in behavior.
Good luck navigating this, you can see how contentious a topic it is by the comments in this thread. But it boils down to know your audience, and believe people when they tell you they have a problem.
I remember working in the London UK office and we curse non-stop over there it’s great. Whenever our colleagues from SF would visit they would always be surprised how much we swear. I’d see them do the turnaround like, ‘what just happened?’.
I wouldn’t wory too much about that coworker, if they can’t handle something as banal as fuck, it’s their problem, not yours
Lol, you’re funny.
Go say “fuck” while standing in front of a judge. It’s banal, so it’s his problem, right?
Until he fines you for contempt of court. Or jails you for continuing to say fuck after being warned.
Society as a whole is a judge. If you refuse to try to get along with the rest of society, it may decide to not get along with you.
Until it’s escalated, and then it’s definitely OPs problem. Most jobs have something about professionalism written is their handbook. The coworker will win that fight with hr every time.
Than they can fight that any outburst is unprofessional and they are being harassed for what other coworkers are doing.
Fuck Shit Damn Shoot Darn
No difference, zero, but personal offense for arbitrary reasons.
True in theory, but in practice, those are pretty much universally accepted curse words. I personally swear all of the time when I know the audience I’m around, and hear people swearing from across my office, so culturally it’s not a thing where I work or especially my previous manufacturing job. In places that have outside customers or patients, the expectation is generally different and varying levels of masking those outbursts is required, sometimes even saying things like "crap"is too much.
It’s part of my religion, are you trying to suppress my religious rights?
Or something like that, there’s always an angle to play if someone wants to be petty or want to exert their “power” over their coworkers.
Wow, you’re all wrapped up in power dynamics you have zero sense of courtesy for others.
Hey, again, you don’t want to play along, that’s fine - you’ll be the one to reap what you sow.
And in today’s business climate of 360° reviews, HR over-reach, etc, you’ll be the one missing out. Pretty much anyone in a business environment would agree that cussing is inappropriate. If nothing else, it demonstrates someone’s lack of ability to either recognize their audience, or (as in your case), to be dismissive of them.
Cuss all you want, just don’t cry when you’re offered up during layoffs.
The correct reply is “I don’t see what the big fucking deal is.” Some motherfuckers will never be happy, so just ignore them and do your own thing.