#SUTOM #1035 4/6
Bon c’est vraiment car j’avais un gros indice et un seul endroit pour le mettre
#SUTOM #1035 4/6
Bon c’est vraiment car j’avais un gros indice et un seul endroit pour le mettre
Et pour rire un peu, je suis allé faire un tour sur grad, sans surprise iels jubilent de la défait de Harris :)
Quand je dis que ce sont des gens de droite qui trollent :)
Vu l’actualité, j’ai tenté le accura.city US Je suis assez mauvais
Europe needs to step up on Ukraine.
Realistically, I doubt the western european public opinions are ready to accept 20 year old kids coming home in a coffin. If we put boots on the ground, I expect the war to be more deadly than recent middle-east operations.
So while we could kick of Russia ass, I don’t think we’re ready to pay the political price, at least for Ukraine.
Ma prise chaude, c’est qu’on devrait plutôt déprimer devant le résultat des élections en Europe. En Europe de l’Ouest, on est assez privilégié pour que Trump n’ait pas trop d’impact sur notre vie quotidienne (Au pire, nos salops patrons devront dépenser quelques milliers d’Euros d’avocats pour un visa US). Par contre tant la composition du parlement Européen que celle du parlement Français, mais aussi Belges, et Italien, voir bientôt Allemand ont un gros pouvoir de nuisance sur notre vie quotidienne et sont très à droite.
On m’a invoqué ?
Even though they claim to be moderate, pragmatic, anchored in real-life, what they vote and what they say, looks like pretty Trumpian, at least in the French political spectrum. Guess who voted against the gay-marriage ? Guess who voted against banning conversion therapies ? Guess who proposed to ban gender affirming care for minor ? Guess who wants stricter immigrations rules (without hiring civil servant and judge to apply the existing laws) Guess who goes into anti-woke rant (Actually, we can even extend to some centrists from renew, especially when crossing the belgian border , Guess who pass law to increase the weight of private insurance over public healthcare ?
ow many districts they have the majority in and the right was manipulating the district borders in their favour
To be fair, it’s already an issue in some European countries, may-be not as much as the US, but I’ve seen weird electoral district in France too
How Europe did actually vote
Sauce Considering that Harris would more or less match renew Europe + Green + S&D, and that Trump would match the huge blue block at the right, I don’t think we’re doing much better than our American friends
Seize the illegally obtained wealth, pay civil damages to the victims and rehabilitation program including education and psychological support.
I’m fine saying that people like Dutroux, Breivick or Abdeslam shall not be out before a very long-time. However, they’re not the average criminal.
Let me return you the question, there is that single-mother who struggle to pay the rent, and debt collector knocked her door a few times, a drug dealer ask her if she can keep a package for them and that someone will pick-it up tomorow night and give her 500 € in exchange, does that woman (Which is now part of drug dealer network) desserve jail-time ? Wouldn’t giving her the mean to pay the rent prevent her from needing to take part of drug traffic ? That drunk person has a fight in the train station, the other fighter falls on the track as the train arrive, now a person died. Does the person desserve to spend 5-10 years in jail ? Wouldn’t Rehab work better ?
I’ll go even further and say that welfare program, teacher, psychiatrist and some other do way more at preventing crime than police, jail and hard on crime policies
Pour le fun fact, le seul site dont j’ai réussis à me faire bannir c’est IVAO, Meme reddit et ses modonazis j’ai pas réussis. Pourquoi ? Car je me suis inscrit sous prénom +première lettre du nom ce qui est une violation de leurs real name policy À la con.
Pendant le covid j’ai repris un peu VAT, avec un vrai prénom faux nom(là pas eu de problèmes). J’ai retenté quand j’ai installé XP12, mais il y a pas assez de temps dans la semaine pour tout faire.
JE vois pas pourquoi j’aurais besoin de donner mom vrai nom pour un MMO, surtout à l’heure des RS centraliséesmeme pour joueurs qui peut permettre un dox facile.
avec la sortie de MSFS 2024
Donc tu es du genre à quitter la tour de contrôle du bureau pour passer ta soirée sur IVAO ?
Bon amusement en tout cas
Nouvel album de Rosalie Cunningham (L’ex chanteuse de Purson qui poursuit une carrière solo) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbY8JPHicPQ
Des gens déjà sur loops? Les invits devraient arriver
Depending what you look for.
For horror role-playing, I sometimes put various dark ambient playlists from youtube/spotify with artists like Atrium Carceri or Cryo chamber not sure whether they really have an audience out of the rpg community
Doom metal, may also be a good choice Blood Ceremony has some pretty dark tones (even though their latest Album is more modern blues than doom metal) or Uncle acid. Iff you’re into the slow music you can go for band like Monarch!
Bike trip on the Panericana from Punta Arenas to whatever is the northern most city in Alaska. Or if I have less time but cash to burn, do it in an ultra-light (A bit like Blyth Cape-town Cape North expedition in the 90’s http://www.trike-expeditions.com/CapeToCape/capetocape.html )
I plan on doing exactly that for the following 6 months (quit my job, taking a break to address burnout and reorient): nothing.
I wouldn’t call adressing a burnout a Sabbatical but a sick leave, a Sabbatical is choosing to take time off work for a project, not needing to take time off work for your mental health
Sorry that you’re there (And use the health issue as an explanation for the hole in your CV if they ask)
French and Arabic are the second and third most spoken language in number of countries. Then there is the obvious Mandarin which is spoken in most of China with around a billion locutors