Narrator: No, it hasn’t
We’ll all have to make a conscious decision as to whether we will resist, collaborate, leave or just try to keep our heads down until it’s over.
I’m not particularly optimistic about which option most (or even just enough) Americans will choose…
Whenever people say we should fight, I wonder what they think fighting fascism actually looks like.
When they can censor the news and drag you off without a warrant k, what are protests going to do? When any election they lose is fake, what use are elections?
Fighting fascism requires violence. It’s the only language they understand.
Yeah, I mean how many of those here constantly saying resist are willing to take a gun and kill another person here? Build a bomb and actually use it? Are they willing to support those who are willing to use violence? House them, hide them, protect them?
We’ve seen what the other side is willing to do on January 6th, they’ve shown they’re willing to resort to violence and condone it.
Will the left be willing to actually do this? Because that’s what resisting fascism means.
The fact that you’re advocating for violent insurrection without taking into account the mass casualty event that will follow reveals how delusional you are about this kind of resistance in the US.
Immediately after the first flashpoint, the already-militarized police force will begin a campaign of violence to suffocate any obvious resistance. Martial law will be declared to support them. Just having a cellphone makes everyone an easy target. We have no healthcare without a job, and likely workplaces will see retaliation if they maintain employment of anyone deemed an enemy of the state thereby preventing you from ever being able to see a doctor.
What you are advocating is what a high school student advocates for after watching the film adaptation of Les Miserables.
So what’s your solution to fascism? Trying to shame them by pointing out their hypocrisy? Appealing to their sense of empathy? “Slamming” them for their behavior in a tweet?
For something like you’re recommending to succeed, you need allies and justification. As of now, violence isn’t being meted out, so foreign allies would not see justification in these actions. As offended as they are, no one of significance in Canada, Greenland, or France are advocating for violent rebellion. Democracy must be exhausted through all of its platforms before violence is a legitimate option. As of now, there is still a functioning judiciary, and a very slow but gradual shift in attitudes from the people whose support he needs. Try to encourage that divide more, become clever enough to frame the current events as opposing the interests of the people whose support they rely on. Create the image of a justified resistance in the eye of foreign nations. Be present at events as a defense in places where people are at risk. Slow the machine down, disrupt it with civil disobedience. If violence is done by dictators, then violence becomes a legitimate language in this conflict (and we’d all better pray to whatever sense of hope we have that that never happens); that is not currently the case and, more importantly, would quickly extinguish any opportunity to finding allies in the opposition and building a coalition of force that has an actual chance of resistance.
Read real history about what happens during actual violent revolutions. There is a reason the Hong Kong protestors never engaged in what you’re advocating.
So violence later, after all peaceful methods fail like they will.
Violence as a last resort, as it has always only been appropriate for.
I wish more people could understand the brutal reality of these situations without having to live them. It’s not just chanting and throwing a punch or three, and then going home. It’s going to be horrible and nothing will be the same afterwards; a lot of people we love are going to die, and the outcomes we want aren’t guaranteed, even if we win. If it’s a fight that has to happen, then it will, but nobody should be looking forward to it even grimly.
This is why it’s important to provide a counter narrative to the romanticized version of revolution. The reality is nothing like the story.
This is the final goal post move
Americans have been ignoring this and moving the goal post for action for about a decade and now, its finally at “there is no point anymore” completely ignoring that this very same apathybis what got you here
What exactly do you mean by action?
Well it could have been anything before… As easily as freaking voting!
Now you need to organise major marches and a general strike (and no, attending an AOC rally does not count)
Short of that, any form of civil disobedience, any form of loud activism could help
A million people showed up to protest Trump’s first term in pink hats. It didn’t work just like the million people who protested the Iraq War.
And the first time he was elected Trump didn’t get a majority of votes, so voting doesn’t seem to work either. Hell, I’ve been voting for 25 years and things get worse every year in spite of it.
Most people didn’t bother voting so voting, even in the backwards system of the USA, it would have worked if people cared
A general strike has not been done or organozed in decades
There are no easy answers anymore bud. You gius squandered all the resources and all the opportunities for decades… The options left are not the easy ones you can do evenings and weekends in between HALO matches
Considering people don’t care enough to vote I don’t have any hope they’ll care enough to go on strike.
I fucking hate group projects. I do everything right and the idiots who surround me negate all of it.
That’s not particular to Americans. Lots of people put their heads down rather than try to fight. Look at Russia!
This phenomenon is called depoliticizaton. Philosopher Vlad Vexler talks about it often.
I’m choosing leave, I encourage everyone who can to do so
Yeah, because that’s an option for so many people.
I know it’s not an option for everyone and I really wish it was, but it is an option for many. I’m personally tired of fighting for my right to exist here since I was little, I’m done.
Must be nice
deleted by creator
My prediction:
MAGA can’t lose the slim majorities in both Houses, or control of investigatory committees will fall into the hands of Democrats, as well as legislative control. Protests will continue to grow around the nation, driven by citizen anger over multiple issues. By next summer the protests will be huge, and HitlerPig will encourage his RedHats to instigate violence. They heeded his call before, and he pardoned them, and made them political martyrs within their cause. They will respond again.
Now he can call the protests violent, and send in the authorities to quell the violence with more extreme violence. That will allow him to declare Martial Law and suspend the upcoming elections until peace is restored, and since he controls the peace, that will never happen. Any further demonstrations will be met with deadly violence, and any organizers will be disappeared to the 30,000 person facility currently being built in Guantanamo, outside of the view of the media or the toothless courts.
Kapo Stephen “PeeWee Himmler” Miller has said that he wants America reduced from the current 335 million people, to 100 million. Using your best historical speculation, how do you think he proposes to reach that goal?
Unfortunately, no we haven’t.
Axl Rose voice :
Yep, we’re fucked.