Sorry if the premise is inflammatory, but I’ve been stymied by this for a while. How did we go from something like 1940s era collectivism or 1960s era leftism to the current bizarro political machine that seems to have hypnotized a large portion (if not majority) of the country? I get it - not everything is bad now, and not everything was good then. FDR’s internment camps, etc.
That said - our country seems to be at a low point in intellectualism and accountability. The DHHS head is an antivaxxer, the deputy chief of the DOJ is a far-right podcast nutball, etc. Their supporters seem to have no nuance to their opinion beyond “well, Trump said he’d fix the economy and I don’t like woke.”
Have people always been this unserious and unquestioning, or are we watching the public’s sanity unravel in real time? Or am I just imagining some idealistic version of the past that never existed, where politicians acted in good faith and people cared about the social order?
Are we more stupid than we used to be? Yeah. But I’d use the word ignorant instead. It’s a bit more accurate. Ignorance is chosen, and that’s what our current epidemic of stupidity is. Chosen.
There have always been a lot of ignorant people, but now, with social media, those people have platforms to infect others with their ignorance. Also, in my own lifetime, I’ve witnessed a shift from ignorant people still being able to set aside partisan politics to condemn obviously bad actors or decisions to 100% doubling down on partisan politics no matter how bad the person or action is.
I’ve definitely FELT this increase in willful ignorance over the course of my life living in this country. People in my own life choosing to believe things they absolutely would not have believed a couple decades ago. People not understanding super basic concepts.
I think there are other factors than just bad actors spreading ignorance on social media. I think a lot of it has to do with simple distractions. The modern world has so many. A lot of the people I know don’t even read books. Like, they simply don’t read. If I ask them what book they read last they have to concentrate because it was multiple years ago. That’s fucking crazy. Instead of picking up a book they’re watching Real Wives of Whatever. Getting involved in some wealthy person’s 1st world problems, instead of, you know, learning something.
We’re entering an age of concentrated ignorance and, unfortunately, that’s very unlikely to end anytime soon. And the stakes are higher than ever for something like that to happen because we possess greater power to decimate this planet than we used to. Through pollution or braindead child-like politicians who can wage war or launch nukes.
It takes a lot less effort to allow things to keep going the way they are than it does to turn things around and responsibly educate the masses. So we’re probably going to continue spiraling.
Things are going to get dark. Our quality of life will decline.
People have been stupid for centuries.
The average education level has been low or nonexistant for most people through most of history so everyone was equally dumb. Public education is a relatively new thing. People have been vulnerable to greed, deluded thinking, etc since day 1.
The internet has allowed stupid people to find each other and reinforce each other’s stupidity and create a race of conspiracy obsessed super morons.
The internet has also distilled everything into negativity to the point where everyone and everything isn’t just questioned but warped and rejected. Even the most basic advice on public health is now rejected. You’ve got people rejecting basic facts and science. Everyone who runs for office gets subject to so much hate and lies that no sensible person would want to run for office now leaving only questionable personalities willing to do it.
I’ll add that America’s obsession with individualism, which ironically becomes groupthink like with MAGA, has become extremely poisonous. It is making it impossible to do even basic things like improve public transportation, gun control, education, healthcare, public health, etc. It is like we’ve become a nation of children who can’t handle being told to go to bed and brush their teeth.
I think most of this is being driven by personal vendettas. if you look at each person on the right, it seems they all have a grudge of some such and this current administration promises to deliver based on revenge.
The biggest player being Elon: His son Xavier has transitioned. And when his (now daughter) called out Elon’s nazi wave as being legitimate, Elon tipped his hand by saying the woke killed his son and he is out to kill the woke mind( - So Elon sank a tonne of money to sway this election to his own vendetta.
For Dementia donald : it’s Biden winning the 2020 election.
For Vance it’s repressed feelings you can see he’s trying to break out the drag queen smokey eye: although he’s an opportunist at the base of it. So he’s getting two things met here. I think because he’s at odds with himself(still eyelining everyday) his soul has vacated, he has much self insecurity and is unhappy with himself as a person and projects that as anger and revenge on everyone who he views is as weak as he feels. Sort of a projected self hatred.
For the speaker mike johnson: he’s a gay convert, big proponent of the conversion therapy so lots to unpack there. even lives with a reverend while married to a woman. to simplify it : He’s against the ‘woke mind’ because he has a lot of self hate. He’s against himself. Likely why he drinks so much as well and does wreckless shit : - this person is self destructing.
For Hegeseth: he’s an untreated alcoholic that self medicates rather than face a true recovery.
JFK Jr: wormbrain. his worm is against anything that would kill parasites. I don’t think there’s much of a human being in that brain anymore. I think it’s all parasite now.
For Leavitt: greedy and sees this as an opportunity(as do most of the party) - and while we can say she’s young and easily influenced I’m not prepared to let her off the hook on this. There are too many progressive young minds to prove this was a choice of her’s. Not simply ignorance. It’s stupidity for sure. but not from not knowing any better.
I’m sorry–small, but necessary, correction:
The biggest player being Elon: His daughter, Vivian, has transitioned. And when his daughter called out Elon’s nazi wave as being legitimate, Elon tipped his hand by saying the woke killed his “son” and he is out to kill the woke mind virus.
I’ve lived here all my life; the answer is yes.
Source: am stupid
between The Delectable Negro and In Defence of Cannibalism (routley. 1982): and and and and?
There’s a fantastic documentary by Adam Curtis, called “I can’t get you out of my head”. It explores specifically the transition from the ‘then’ system of thinking to, well, now. It’s long but give it a watch.
Read the book “bowling alone” if you’re interested in someone’s attempt at researching why we went from collectivism to individualism as a country. There are a large amount of factors but if I were to take a crack at it, I’d list a few: TV, the Internet, smart phones, air conditioning, capitalism, and (last but certainly not least) racism. Racism is foundational to the country and its history.
As far as the stupidity, some of the same factors apply, but there are also additional ones like environmental factors (US citizens eat more microplastics than any other major country since like 2020 and we lead poisoned ourselves for a century), a deep-seeded anti-intellectualism, and we’re a large part cultist/religious idiots that see everything through the lense of “some guy” being the best thing ever and the source of all truth.
Driving in a car/metal box instead of sharing the space or walking/cycling and connecting to others is another one.
Othering of others is super easy in a car. There are studies about how much more violent and vitriolic people are when driving.
Yeah lack of third spaces and class mixing is big. Everyone is segregated into their own existing (shrinking) in groups, that then get concentrated by the webiverse.
The 70s oil crisis was an inflection point for Europe and a lot of cities/countries started moving back away from cars as the sole transportation option but the US didn’t have the same reaction.
Not to mention the rise of vehicle violence, running over protesters and such.
Every country suffers from this, America is just the most rich and therefore visible due to geographic benefits and the Bretton Woods system.
Germany was actively shutting down its nuclear power before Russia attacked, China has a giant property bubble that’s collapsing, the Eurozone is rushing in a CBDC to prop up its failing currency, Canada is doing mass immigration to hide it’s failing business climate. Its the same all over, people love faux economic growth and they love to borrow from the future.
Every country suffers from what? Mass stupidity?
Maybe that’s true but it certainly seems like we are more individualistic and stupid than most…and I don’t think those two things are entirely unrelated.
Lead was used in Europe too, and is still used by some member states. If there’s anything we know about micro plastics, it’s that they are ubiquitous. What we don’t know is what effects, if any, they have on health/cognition.
America is more car-oriented than most other western countries and leaded gas is how we did the majority of our poisoning.
Yes, of course microplastics are everywhere, but I’ve read studies saying that internationally they’re eating about the same amount of plastic as we did years ago, but they kind of plateaued whereas here in the good ol USA people still don’t know that it’s not a good idea to eat three meals a day of microwaved food cooked in plastic containers.
Unless you can show any research done that indicates micro plastics influence intelligence I wouldn’t be using that as an answer to this.
I don’t know but check out the show All in the Family which was aired in the 70s. I don’t think they have exaggerated the character of Archie Bunker. I really think that there were many people like him during that era. And he is exactly like the pro Trump that we are seeing right now.
I remember him saying in one episode “Nixon is intelligent as he knows how to avoid paying taxes”. That argument comes up from pro Trump people.
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.
- Isaac Asimov, 1980
There were people warning against the glorification of ignorance in the US nearly half a century ago. It’s nothing new; it just reached critical mass (also thanks to social media where ignorant people can self-organise).
Excellent point about the ignorance. I would also add ingratitude. People look to whiners like the Donvict and think that complaining about first world problems is a legit reason to destroy founding principles like integrity, justice, and separation of powers. Americans have it good overall and they spoil themselves with greed. Thanksgiving to them is about football and cryptocurrency commercials and not enough about actually giving thanks, giving back, selflessness, service, kindness, empathy, and goodwill. Add a drop of ignorance and social media brainwashing and you get a nation with too many zombie mooks wearing red hats that turn out to vote. Easily conned, they ignorantly vote against their own interests. Bernie Sanders and AOC have been showing that there’s a better way to solve problems and to work for every American. But it takes gratitude, selflessness, and work, not lazy golfing and whining.
No. Education has been under attack for the last 50 years.
For every generation that goes by education gets worse and worse. People are literally getting dumber as a result.
It’s all in the republican playbook. The dumber people are the easier they are to control. That’s how dick wads like Trump get into office.
Lead poisoning. Leaded gasoline started in the 1930s, but in the 50s and 60s we destroyed our public transportation and then destroyed millions of black homes to build highways through our cities. So leaded gasoline peaked in the 70s.
Oh, and boomers, who have the most lead brain damage, hold all the political power because they hold all the wealth.
Saying that boomers hold all the wealth is not correct, unless you’re including billionaires. Your comment is ageist and your blame is misplaced. Placing blame on any age group of ordinary people is both stupid and ignorant at the same time. You’re as brainwashed as those you are blaming.
You know those scam phone calls from India pretending to be Microsoft? They overwhelmly target the elderly, because their success rate with them is so high. The elderly are without question more gullible when it comes to being taken advantage of over the internet and social media.
The elderly control every branch of our government. Their gulliblity is now something that lets all of us get taken advantage of - not just themselves. They are collectively buying MAGA Hats for the country because some guys on the internet told them it would make America Great. It’s clearly not, hasn’t, and is a scam, but now our entire country has to pay for it.
Even the best, most well trained guards cannot provide protection if they are too old to lift a shield. Our entire government hasn’t been able to lift that shield in decades.
Which explains why 9-11 was “Never Forget,” but Columbine is “Always Forget” for every school shooting that’s happened since '99.
I was a Sophomore in highschool when Colombine happened, and now my kids get to see others their age die yearly in school shootings while President crime grandpa tells us it’s because of trans kids.
It’s not boomers as a generation that’s the problem, it’s that generation is just now old to provide security. At worst, they are too proud to admit their age causes issues in their ability to lead and protect this country. But it unquestionably does.
Saying that boomers hold all the wealth is not correct
They don’t hold ALL the wealth, but they do hold the most. And that allows them to contribute more to political campaigns and have an outsized effect on legislation.
Perhaps they didn’t word it eloquently, but they’re not wrong.
The elderly are the wealthiest and that affords them tremendous political power, seeing as how young people can’t afford to miss a day of work to vote.
Reddit/Lemmy has taught people to hate boomers. Doesn’t matter if their hate is accurate or not. They’ve been brainwashed to put all blame on boomers and call anyone they don’t like “boomer” as a “gotcha”.
You are 100% right.
In the end it’s turned into an identity for them.
Boomers aren’t responsible for all our woes, but they absolutely have pulled up the ladder. That’s not debatable. Voting records prove it.
All generations have done this. There is nothing special or unique about boomers.
Vast majority of people who have pulled up the latter aren’t even boomers.
In your mind anyone older than you is a “boomer”.
Stop with this shit. Unless of course you like being ignored by anyone with a brain.
Parties and what they represent evolve over time. America is going through a rapid evolution currently.
Since the end of the Cold War America has pursued or engaged in free trade and Neo Liberalism and the War on Terror.
The result is there are significant sections of the populace that feel left behind by our economy as wealth inequality builds. They see their jobs going over seas and an ineffectual government that has failed at protecting them economically and has failed in the War on Terror. Add to it a powerful propaganda machine in the form of our news and social media and it is a recipe for change… What that change will end up shaping into may not be the future you want.
This is the backlash. After the Democratic establishment has ignored unions and the working man. Leaving them open to the populist out reach of Donald Trump.
Never mind that Trump will never deliver any of what he promised. The fact is he now has the power and is using it to break up the system that has been in place since WW2. Which benefits a small number of oligarchs who want to cement their power over the US.
I suspect we will see a shift in the next mid-term election (if it takes place) and a realignment of the Democratic Party toward populism. We as a people have to figure out how to fight corporate propaganda and their hegemony over social media.
That is if Trump doesn’t kill our Democracy first.
I moved to the Netherlands from the U.S. in July of 2022.
My opinion now? There are morons everywhere. I think more, per capita, back in the U.S. of A.
The world is a circus, but in the U.S., you have front row seats.
My answer is going to include a short story as a pretext.
In Canada in the 90s, we used to have these commercials from an organization called “Concerned Childrens Advetisers” the commercials were about a variety of things, some being positive reinforcement about self esteem, others were more on the nose like not eating glue…
there was one important one that would come on a lot called “The North American House Hippo”. And for about 60 seconds it would tell kids about tiny hippopotamus that come out in your kitchen at night, eat crumbs of dropped food, and make beds under your fridge or in the pantry or something… At the end of the commercial, the narrator says something to the effect of “That was an interesting story, but Its not real, not everything you read in a book or see on the TV is real.” the internet wasn’t mentioned because it wasn’t widespread enough yet… but it had a simple lesson. Not everything you see in media is real.
that lesson hasn’t been transfered over to the majority of people, or more likely, most people are not responsible enough to be trusted with the internet because they dont know how to filter, they dont know how to think critically when presented with information online, and its even worse now in the age of deepfakes and AI, that even the smart ones get fooled now.
Collectively we’re dumber because people have allowed their public facebook comment section keyboard warrior persona, to take over their real lives. Who people are in person and who people are online, are two different individuals, but the online persona is the one who is in charge. When we are in public, we usually revert to our social norms, respect each other. But when you’re a keyboard warrior, your impotent rage and urge to yell the N word and other slurs is unchecked because there isnt anyone present to break your nose for saying or doing something antisocial or arrogant.
That was a great one. Although they kind of exist (skinny pigs). But agreed, people need to think critically. Everywhere.