and I got fucking food poisoning, lost over 6kg in bodyweight over a few days and didnt go to the gym for over a week. Needless to say, there’s no way I’m hitting that kinda weight for a few weeks
Fuck it, we ball
Sucks bruh but no need to rush. You’ll be back hitting those numbers again in time
Don’t worry, there’s pretty good evidence that “muscle memory” is real and getting back lost gains is much easier than getting there the first time:
A few weeks on the grand scale of getting stronger is not much time at all comrade
you got this!
That sucks homie, I feel you. When you get better, don’t try and rush back to the spot you were, don’t overexert yourself, just take it at the same pace as you have been taking it.
Tragic. Couldn’t be me. I gained 6kg fat over a few days.
My bench 184kg. Squat 227. Front squat 180. Conventional deadlift 300kg. When u get sick you lose muscle but it comes back real fast as long as u eat I’m sick rn but I’ll be pring again in like a week. Sleep 14 hours a day and bed for if possible until it goes away. And force feed urself
Damn, those numbers are monstrous lmao. Thanks for the advice, I’m feeling better now but my appetite is still recovering I think.
Not really if ur super heavy but im like 95kg so its good.
How much did you weigh? 6kg fucking shit. Max I lost was 2 and put them back on in one week, probably just water in my case