Calls it “Deepsneak”, failing to make it clear that the reason people love Deepseek is that you can download and it run it securely on any of your own private devices or servers - unlike most of the competing SOTA AIs.
I can’t speak for Proton, but the last couple weeks are showing some very clear biases coming out.
Guys I know OpenAI is not clear, its as bad as deepseek and even worse, BUT you have to realize, that most people don’t give a fuck about running deepseek locally, they just download deepsek app and use it, which is more privacy intrusive even than ClosedAI. Giving information to China, when you live on the west is like giving russians information, when you live in Ukraine. We are on constant war with China, because we are democratic, they are communism, and we cannot just give them our data for free, therefore I have to admit PROTON IS RIGHT about deepseek being “deepsneak”
As a queer person I don’t really care at this point if China or Russia is tracking me. They aren’t the ones who are currently stripping me and others of rights and so many other things.
I don’t trust any governments on this front, but the government I live under is way more of a concern.
deleted by creator
Russia specifically is a big part of why trump is in power. They weren’t the sole contributors, but they definitely helped a lot. And they achieved it by buying, stealing, and collecting data on people and doing targeting misinformation campaign.
oh yea its russias fault that most americans voters are bigot reactionaries.
That’s… Not actually a reasonse to what was said?
Sure, that’s all fine and dandy. But it doesn’t change the point that was being made.
The election happened. Here and now, Russia and China tracking me is no different than the US. They’re all authoritarian governments hell bent on stripping rights away.
Now I’m not the same person you replied to. I’m in Canada, so I’m weary of all of them. But if I was in the states, I’d RATHER give my data to an advisory that won’t do much with it. As apposed to the current government hellbent on making life for me and my trans siblings as hard and difficult as possible.
Nothing ever “happened” . Politics is an ongoing process. Putin actively wants the west in disarray and in chaos, China wants it to be weak and submissive. They use the data they buy and gather to achieve that. And if you think Putin has nothing to do with rampant queerphobia, you just ignorant about him
But again, how is that any different to me, as a Canadian, than an American social media company?
All of that is still true.
All the US companies have kissed the ring and are bowing to facsim.
Western social media still has its own agenda. And it’s not human Rights either.
If russia had manipulated the election, it would have been in favor of biden
Is China in the room with you right now?
Propaganda got ya good bud. Sure. It’s important but Jesus. Lol. ChatGPT does the same shit but doesn’t let me run it locally. Fuck ChatGPT
You got a lot to learn but this statement gave me serious loolz
China isn’t communist and America isn’t democratic. They both suck way worse than that.
China is not communist, they are market-captialistic, one-party highly authoritarian state. “socialism” and “cmmunism” is just used to make them sound better and more legitimate than they are.
lib parrot comment
Are you even a communist?
Name all AES
The PRC has a Socialist Market Economy. The presence of private ownership in an economy isn’t enough to determine its structure, otherwise the inverse would apply and the US’s publicly owned structures would make it Socialist. Rather, what determines the “label” of an economy is which is primary, public ownership and planning, or markets and profits, and where its heading. Ie, do markets serve the interests of the public sector and are subservient to it, or does the public sector serve the private sector and the pursuit of profits?
I would argue that it is about incentives. A market economy is about maximizing profit, so that (the class of) shareholders get more money out of it, than they put into it. Incentivising making money means you incentives a race to the bottom, producing lots of expensive and addicting crap that easily breaks for as little cost as possible. And you incentivise massive consumption of it.
A socialist economy should instead incentivise improving the world for all the people that live in it. Produce stuff that is robust, adaptable, sustainable and so on. Incentivise the mindfulness of the social and ecological impact of each product. And if someone needs something special, incentivise local makerspaces etc. that allows people to produce custom stuff in low quantities.
To be clear, the PRC is more driven by the latter than the former, see the Belt and Road Initiative and the massive expenditure on green energy and poverty eradication. They are focused on developing the Productive Forces, but have reached a level of development that allows them to tackle the issues you describe in your second paragraph.
“I don’t care if rus or china”… Guys you really don’t think. If you lived in Ukraine, would you care about giving russians address where you live? Then why you don’t care giving them your data, when you live on the west? Because we are not physically fighting rus/china doesn’t mean we are not on the war with them. I said it is great Deepseek is possible to host locally, but no one cares, everyone use their app anyway, and this is the problem, as it is even worse than using ClosedAI.
I want Russia to win (and it will) and I want China to win (and it will). My use of an LLM isn’t going to make one lick of difference one way or the other, but if it did, I would help it in any and every conceivable way.
You are a fucking nerd for thinking you have more “privacy” to lose to China than to the profiteering, rent-seeking silicon valley bastards who are already and right now exploiting the fuck outta you.
I’d better be a “fucking nerd” that invented all that shit that you use now, than a fucking idiot who doesn’t ever use brain and probably lives in a fucking america. But I like how so many kids think communism is good, when they live in a democratic freedom country. Read some books, use this technology for something else instead bullshit, as you don’t know the world yet.
Lol, I have been reading theory for almost 2 decades now, kid.
I even taught at a community college for a while.
Listen, this is clearly a case of “every accusation a confession” - that is to say, you are well aware of your own naivete and so you project it onto others as a defense mechanism. Fortunately, there is a cure for that sort of ignorance, and in large part it does indeed involve reading theory and exposing yourself to perspectives that may seem frightening due to your having been awash in a sea of propaganda all your life. Come join our Das Kapital reading group on hexbear (hosted by the awesome and maybe learn a little something about the real world you’re so painfully unaware of.
Thanks for the shout-out, comrade! For anyone that wants to join, we are a month in so it will take a bit of aggressive reading to catch-up, but we do have archived links for past threads, both for this year and last year’s, so you can go through those threads and get up to speed.