This video made me want to scream lol
This video is basically just an RETVRN meme played completely straight, minus the overt racism.
Also potential hot take: there’s nothing wrong with boring drywall box houses. It’s cheap to build, reliable, easy to repair and make adjustments to for taste, and does its job.
just an RETVRN meme played completely straight, minus the overt racism.
edit: yeah I mean done right they’re kinda fine but they are done super cheap and shitty at least as often as they are done well. My biggest issue is that they’re single family detached houses and that’s just inherently inefficient
Yeah, very silly omission.
Have you seen rich people’s new homes? They can definitely pay for custom, artistic shit.
Let’s see some normal people’s homes from 1880 for a fair comparison. I mean how many are even still standing?
(the dad from my big fat greek wedding voice) “Give me a problem, any problem, and I show you how the root of that problem is capitalism.”
“and if problem existed before capitalism, I show you how capitalism prevent humanity from addressing it”
Wait, Tyler Perry got this mansion from those Madea movies?!
more pictures (a lot more) https://www.idesignarch.com/tyler-perrys-multi-million-dollar-grand-estate-in-georgia/
why the hell would you want to go back to building these god-awful houses? they dont have a shape! they look like a cancerous blob growing on a cancerous blob.
if you cant describe the shape of your house in a very few words, or need multiple sentences to describe the shape of your roof, i’m sorry but you’ve got a dogshit design.
houses should be square, or long, or L-shaped, or maybe T or cross-shaped. that’s about it.
this is a normal-shaped house:
incidentally, what do chinese people and russians call L-shaped things?
Russians probably use г
The Russian letter “г” is pronounced “ge” and sounds like the “g” in “go”. It is the fourth letter in the Cyrillic alphabet and is derived from the Greek letter gamma.
I found a YouTube link in your post. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy: