it’s a massive problem but it’s the US’s problem. this is about the genocide in gaza.
it’s a massive problem but it’s the US’s problem. this is about the genocide in gaza.
judeochristian world order maybe? i dont think the world is quite ready for them to call it “white world order” yet, but we’re getting there.
linux must go
who must go?
oh wow, that’s 100BC rome level of social advancement…
ah, but only some of it was good. i disliked the czech ones or the ones by chuck jones.
haha, ethical europe refuses to buy gas from russia (no genocide), doesnt want to buy EVs from china (no genocide) but buys gas from israel (absolutely yes televised genocide).
the west really is the only civilized place on earth…
why the hell would you want to go back to building these god-awful houses? they dont have a shape! they look like a cancerous blob growing on a cancerous blob.
if you cant describe the shape of your house in a very few words, or need multiple sentences to describe the shape of your roof, i’m sorry but you’ve got a dogshit design.
houses should be square, or long, or L-shaped, or maybe T or cross-shaped. that’s about it.
this is a normal-shaped house:
incidentally, what do chinese people and russians call L-shaped things?
oh yeah, mine expects me to fix the weather too. or to open the window to the other outside, the one that doesnt have rain.
she once caught a mouse without hurting it (much), brought it inside and then sat on it. just sat on the mouse. and the mouse just cowered there, sunk in her chest fur.
lol, once again fascists get babied.
is this about the copper again?
i dont think it’s entirely arbitrary. it’s probably mostly rabid classism.
the party that won doesnt want georgia to (try to) join nato. that’s enough to make them illegitimate nowadays.
eeeeh, it can go the other way. i dont think i would’ve ever had mice in this flat without the cat. but she likes to catch mice, bring them inside totally unharmed and let them go. and then watch them. chase them. sit on top of them. she doesnt eat them because i guess she never had to eat them.
and then i end up catching the mouse since i dont want it loose in the flat at night, and i dont want to find a rotting mouse corpse 2 weeks later (this has happened at least twice).
so she’s gonna do what, make sure it’s a fast agony of decline then?
in that case, i’d prefer a ~/bin/zcat
with the contents
exec gzip -cdf "$@"
this way, it’s exec’able, unlike an alias or shell function.
zgrep . *
should do the trick
oh, there’s also zcat -f *
my whole elementary school class visited my dad’s workplace once, cos it was cool. it had a huge anechoic chamber.
and the cantine had canada dry.
heh, i didnt even know hermon wasnt in israel when i was a kid. the israelis around me all treated it like it was. the age-groups in the zionist camp i went to were negev, galil, golan and hermon.
nobody ever mentioned that golan and hermon are not quite theirs…
they’re losing and still they expect to dictate terms. amazing.