If he can be charged as a terrorist, so should the ceo’s that let people die for a profit
Depending on the generals around him, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a nuke drop in the next 4 years as a “scare tactic” and “warning” to all
Thanks, friend!
Call of Juarez or quak if either are available
Id love to try out necromunda
Can we talk freely now? The causes of our problems have address. They can only promote so many executives before they wise up.
The Green Lanturn does seem cool, but isn’t he a space cop?
Think I posted the youtube version, which is free
Didn’t this guy ban the @elonjet account for doing a lesser version of this?
There is no justice in Amerikkka
Don’t give a fuck who she is, she was meeting with republicans durring the campaign, they need to do a better job of picking candidates. No more nepotism hires
I will never forgive them for doing such a shit job at vetting candidates that a democratic member would flip republican and give them the decisive majority. The NC dems were saved by an even more dogshit republican machine this cycle
Dem party of NC seems to be just as useless as the rest of the democratic party
Its a great series! Suuuuuuuuuperrrrr fun with a great story and fire drip
I love the Ace hat on the wall
This sounds a lot like policing women’s bodies. If they decide they’re done, then we should respect that. Not like its an easy choice
The American foreign policy state should be sent to the Hague
How did they not go with buddy christ? This is just far to on the nose
America isn’t beating the Great Satan allegations
Hell yeah