I was unaware “what happened to JFK” was actually a major ask from the RFK-curious crowd. Don’t they have more current conspiracy theories they want answers to?
It’s RFK Jr himself that’s probably asking for it. He’s said in the past he knows the CIA is behind the killing of his uncle. Says the CIA had him killed because JFK didn’t provide air support for bay of pigs and it pissed the CIA off. RFK claims he has proof but no one takes him serious or something.
He’s crazy to think the CIA is behind it. The CIA handles overseas assassinations; domestic ones are the FBI’s domain.
You should read up on George HW Bush
I am so fed up with how the DNC has treated RFK Jr. The lawfare and taking him off the ballot in swing states is unacceptable. Really thinking of voting for Trump as a wakeup call to the Democratic party.
The RNC is challenging 3rd parties on the ballots in multiple states. They also like challenging mail-in voting. https://www.reuters.com/legal/new-yorks-top-court-upholds-mail-in-voting-all-rejecting-republican-challenge-2024-08-20/
Hell Republicans are even taking voter signed Abortion ballot measures to court to get them removed from the election. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/23/us/abortion-ballot-measures-have-had-success-this-year-is-their-biggest-challenge.html
The Republican party also has a history of funding the Green party intentionally to draw Democratic voters away. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckraker/img-src-images-santorum1-jpg-hspace-5-vspace-5-align-left-gop-donors-funded-entire-pa-green-party-drive
You’re the one that needs a wakeup call if you think that the Democrats challenging RFK Jr. is unacceptable but what the Republicans are doing is fine.
They’re not going to read any of that. You know that, right?
This is whataboutism at its finest. We need to hold our own party to a higher standard. I think we either need to vote 3rd party or for Trump to send a clear message.